
20 Reputation

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0 years, 310 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Rotcev

Perhaps a stupid question but I fail to convert 21/4a1/4/pi1/4 (a result of a calculation performed by maple) into (2a/pi)1/4.

I tried simplify, combine, collect, ... with options. None of them work.

Thank you. 

l*`ℏ`*t*sqrt(4*`ℏ`^2*a^2*t^2 + m^2)/(sqrt(2*I*`ℏ`*t*a + m)*sqrt(-2*I*`ℏ`*t*a + m)*m) can be simplified :l *h*t/m

How can I ask Maple to do this.

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