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MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Rotcev


I was already thinking that the inert forms are not useful for me because I have no display purposes for the time being.
Thanks, it's clear now.


I am indeed a novice user. I haven't gotten around to programming yet. For now, I use Maple to check the calculations I do manually.
I greatly appreciate the speed and power to perform complex calculations in Maple. On the other hand, I marvel at the form of certain simple results. Of course, it is a software and not a human being.
I do largely understand your comments about inert forms but I don't think the conversion is necessary for me for now.
I would have liked more insight into the conversions Maple does, though. For example, the expression (2^(1/4)*(pi^3*a)^(1/4)/pi on the screenshot. Why isn't it made into one power of pi?
In any case, thank you very much for your help. If it is not the purpose of this forum to answer questions from beginners, please let me know. Thanks again for your time.


Thank you for helping me.

Here is a screenshot:

I want A in the form (2a/pi)1/4

@ Igor

it works, thank you

@acer it works, thank you

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