36 Reputation

2 Badges

19 years, 121 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by S_O_S

This problem agonize me for a long timeand i cant to solve it. For example, in one TextField in maplet i want to insert e.g. "0" and in second TextBox to get result of e.g. cos(0) apropos "1". But i get cos(0). I was try to solve this with eval, evaln and evalf command but nothing get. Won't to insert number in one TextField and to calculate e.g. cos() in other TextBox. Someone know how to? program: restart; Calc:= proc() global theta: cos(theta); end proc: with(Maplets[Elements]): DKP:= Maplet(onstartup = A0, Window[W1](title="DKP", [TextField[theta](),TextField[result](),
Hi, How to solve 12 nonlinear equations with 6 unknowns with Maple 10 or other software but analytic, not numeric? I was tried with solve(). After waiting 24h computation I was interrupt it. And I don't think that Maple will solve that problem. In begining CPU usage was 100% but latter was 0% and HD always read or write something without stoping.
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