
48 Reputation

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17 years, 319 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Shurik

Hello everybody! Could anybody help me How can I obtain a numerical solution for an ordinary differential eigenvalue problem? I suppose that it can be something with "dsolve,numeric". Thank a lot
Hello everybody! I again have a problem with "Dsolve numeric". I solve a system of linear ODEs with boundary and continuity conditions.I got an error, which is associated with any internal procedure of Maple. For the sake of simplification, I reduced the order of equation from two fourth-order ODEs to the eight equations of the first order, but the same error is outputed. Download 2847_problem-1-1.mws
View file details Please help me clarify it. Thank you
Hi everybody, As a part of some general problem, I need to solve a system of non-linear ordinary differential equations.I try to get a numerical solution, so I use the "dsolve numeric" command. In same cases, the Maple print out two errors that I didn't find in his help instruction. The first one is: error, (in dsolve/numeric/bvp) cannot determine if this expression is true or false: 20*nerr
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