
12 Reputation

2 Badges

15 years, 120 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Steven

Hi, I'm using Maple 12, and I'm having problems when I want to convert a maple document to a rich text file (RTF). For longer equations, the formatting will be weird and indent the equation very early, so the equation is difficult to read. Also, because I write my equations like "(13) {some equation}", for example, the '(13)' that precedes the longer equations will be copied into the equation image, which doesn't happen for the shorter equations.
Hi, I'm having a problem with the styles I set as default reverting to factory conditions after I close and reopen Maple. For instance, if i set the font to Calibri and make it my default Text font, it will revert back to Times New Roman when I open Maple again. Thanks
Hi, When I'm in document mode, whenever I type 'Re' in an equation, it turns into 'script R', which I don't want. How do I turn this auto-formatting off in general? Thanks, Steven
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