Tim Vrablik

654 Reputation

13 Badges

18 years, 46 days

I work in Maplesoft’s Applications group. This group is a hub between Sales/Marketing and R&D. I primarily work with customers to help them use our software for their projects.

Born and raised in Windsor, Ontario, I spent a substantial chunk of my life there. I attended the University of Windsor to study Engineering and Math, and moved to Waterloo to start working with Maplesoft.

My first introduction to Maple was in a differential equations class. Our professor swore by it every day, and felt obliged to show us examples on how to use it at the end of every class. Admittedly, I usually skipped out of class right around that point. It wasn’t until I sat down and used the software to do my homework that I truly realized how useful Maple was…I only wish I had heeded my professor’s advice in the first month of the semester instead of the last.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Tim Vrablik

This post has been locked. You have posted this same question on 7 different occasions (www.mapleprimes.com/forum/maplefunction, www.mapleprimes.com/forum/howdoiplot2xnmatrix, www.mapleprimes.com/forum/plotting2xnmatrix, www.mapleprimes.com/forum/plottingmatrix, www.mapleprimes.com/forum/matrixplots,and two others that have been removed already) .  Changing the title of the post does not change the fact that you are asking the same question.  Furthermore, people have replied to your posts offering suggestions on how to answer your problem.  Please read over the Community Guidelines, in particular the part about spamming.  If you continue abusing the site, your membership may be revoked.


You can also use ctrl+shift+'  to cursor over the letter.  From here you can use an underscore for the bar (as a side note, if you want to do a DE with dot notation, you can cursor above and use periods).

For calculating the inverse, try the Inverse Tutor (Tools>Tutors>Calculus-Single Variable>Function Inverse Tutor).  To plot the function, use InversePlot (both of these are in the Student[Calculus1] package). 

For more information on these check the help pages for InverseTutor or InversePlot.


Your problem might be with the variable pi.  When you use the uppercase Pi, this represents the constant 3.14...  If you want to use the Greek letter, type it in with a lower case p.  I did that and I was able to get a solution (I'm not sure if it's right though).


Hope this helps.

Another option is to use the exploration assistant (this is new in Maple 12)..

As an example, to explore the effects of the parameters a & b on a plot:

plot(sin(a*x)+cos(b*x), x=-2*Pi..2*Pi), right click and select Explore.  Select the values for a & b, then a new window will open with sliders to adjust the parameters.

Unfortunately I think we know what the problem is: Outlook Web Access (OWA). We are aware that can corrupt certain types of attachments that are related to web content including XML documents which are essentially what Maple worksheets are. This may be related to the security features in OWA which help keep you safe. You can read more about it here:support.microsoft.com/kb/899394/

Regrettably this is beyond our control and there is nothing we can do about this. All we can suggest is that if you put your Maple worksheets in a .zip file and send them, it should work around the problem.

If you want the value of Pi, you need to use a capital P (the lower case pi refers to the Greek symbol, which has no value).  You can use command completion (type in Pi then press esc) and you will see in the list of options the choice for Pi(constant)...this is a way that you can assure you are using the right Pi/pi every time.  This is most likely why you are getting an error. Once you have that, just right-click and go to Plots and it should plot it for you.


I'm not sure if this is what you want, but I thought I'd post it anyway.

You can use the command GenerateMatrix, found in the LinearAlgebra package (type?GenerateMatrix to see more details).  Using the info you provided, try this:


sys:=[a=2, b=3, c=4]


A,B:=GenerateMatrix(sys, var)



Conversely, you can generate equations from a matrix as well, but I’ll let you read up on that if you need to know (?GenerateEquations)

Hope this helps.


Just as luck would have it, recently Dr. Robert Lopez posted a Tips & Techniques paper on Notational Devices for ODE's.  Within his document, he covers the way to suppress the variable t (he also goes through a whole bunch of other examples as well).  So rather than having me try to transcribe what is in the document, I'll just point you to it!



One way to extract only the real solution would be to use the RealDomain.  There are two ways of using it:

1.  set the whole document to calculate in the real domain by calling with(RealDomain); or,

2.  use the "use in end use" command like this: use RealDomain in solve(e1,h) end use.


Hope that helped.


I'm assuming you are talking about integration by parts?  If so, the tutor does not show you what the substitutions were, but if you look at the answer provided, you can dissect it to determine what u and dv were (if you forget the definition for integration by parts, you can click on the Rule Definition to see how it is calculated, and what variables Maple uses).

As a starting point, you might want to read up on the inequal plot (type ?inequal to bring up the help page)

Basically you have to load the package with(plots):, then call inequal and enter your inequality.  For the example you gave:


inequal(y>2, x=-5..5, y=-5..5)


For information on other types of plots, you can access them all through the plotting guide (?plottingguide)

Hope this helps.

If you are solving a system of two equations for two unknowns, you can type in your two equations seperated by a comma, right click and select solve.  To plot the solution, right click again and select 2D Plot, or use the Plot Builder.

 for example: 3x + 5y = 9, 8x - 7y = 4

Right click>Solve>Solve

Right click on the equations again>Plot>Plot Builder

To switch between text and math you can press F5 (or use the buttons on the top of the screen).  In general, if you sype in your math and switch into textmode (F5) then press enter, your math will not be executed.

For code, if you have lines you don't want to execute, you can press shift+enter and it will not execute the line.

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