Tim Vrablik

654 Reputation

13 Badges

18 years, 72 days

I work in Maplesoft’s Applications group. This group is a hub between Sales/Marketing and R&D. I primarily work with customers to help them use our software for their projects.

Born and raised in Windsor, Ontario, I spent a substantial chunk of my life there. I attended the University of Windsor to study Engineering and Math, and moved to Waterloo to start working with Maplesoft.

My first introduction to Maple was in a differential equations class. Our professor swore by it every day, and felt obliged to show us examples on how to use it at the end of every class. Admittedly, I usually skipped out of class right around that point. It wasn’t until I sat down and used the software to do my homework that I truly realized how useful Maple was…I only wish I had heeded my professor’s advice in the first month of the semester instead of the last.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Tim Vrablik

All of your information is still there and assigned, you just need to re-execute your worksheet.  Just hit the triple exclamation button (!!!) at the top and all of your commands will be re-executed.  You can then cary on with all of your information

I'm not sure if this is what you're asking, but you can attach units to your values by loading the Units package and using the Units palette.

To load the package and to use SI as the default : with (Units[Standard]); Unist[UnitSystem]('SI')

You can then use the Units palette to attach units and enter the prefix that you require.

If you are asking about setting the formatting to be in engineering notation, you can set it by execution group (I'm not sure if you can set it globally for your session).  To find out more about it type ?NumericFormatting


Hope that helps.


linalg is a deprecated package, but I'm not sure why the assignment won't work.  I would suggest using the newer package LinearAlgebra and change matrix to Matrix, and transpose to Transpose.  If I do that I get it to work.


You already have a post on this topic and there is no need to create a new one.  I am locking this thread.

Please post this in the appropriate thread.





I suggest you read over the MaplePrimes Community Guidelines, more specifically point #5. 

The 5 repeated posts have been removed.

If you are using a newer version of Maple, you can enter your DE and just right-click on your equation and select "Solve DE Interactively," then enter your initial conditions, and select solve symbolically.

If you would like to use the code, you can name your equation (say ode:= y''+4y'+5y=0 ) and enter your conditions into a set (ics:=y(Pi/2)=1/2, y'(Pi/2)=-2).  Then you just have to call the two together with dsolve({ode,ics}).  You can also call everything together in dsolve without assigning things to ode and ics, but it may look a bit messy.


Hope this helps

The error you might have been making in the first example is you might have forgot to put in 'slope' inside the brackets.  The function was being evaluated at 2, which would give you an answer of 6

Here is a bit more of a visual way of getting your answers for 1 & 3:

Tangent(x^3+3x-8, x=2, output=slope)
Tangent(x^5, y=-2, output=slope)

You can change output to line to get the equation of the tangent, or plot to see the tangent and the function plotted together.

To get a symbol above a variable, press [Ctrl]+[Shift]+["].  You can then insert an arrow by using the Arrows palette.  As for the box above  B,  I don't think there is a symbol for that in any of the palettes.

Bonus material: you can use this technique to make derivatives wrt time by using periods above your variable, as opposed to using quotes beside your variable which are wrt to x.

Hope this helps.

The Explore option launches the exploration assistant, which I don't think you want to do here.  The Browse option is still in Maple 12 though.  You can either double-click on the matrix, or use right-click>Browse.  From here you can look at the elements in your matrix, view an image, etc.

Hope this helps.

Easy problems have easy solutions (usually).

If you are going to use display, you first have to load the plots package.  At the start of your document type in with (plots): then execute your code.  Type in ?display or ?plots to find out more.


The command is basically time(expression).

Try looking under help for time (or type in ?time) for more info.





In addition to the aforementioned, probably the easiest way to enter a matrix is to use the Matrix palette on the left hand side.  If you are just trying to find an inverse, then right-click on the result and go to Standard Operations> Inverse.


Seeing as you are new to Maple, I'll point you to the Assistants & Tutors.

If you go to Tools>Tutors>Pre Calculus>Lines, you can enter your information in there and see what the line should look like.  The Maple command for plotting the line is given to you at the bottom of the screen (along with the generated equatoin for the line).

There are multiple ways for plotting in Maple, so I'll give you a quick one:  enter the equation in your document and right-click on it and select plots>2d plot.

For more information on plotting, you can type ?plots and see the help pages (or go to the help pages and type in plots)

Hope this helps.




Mr. Passi,

There are a lot of things that have been upgraded and added since M10.  Here are a few highlights:

·        Self-documenting context menus:  automatically create a record of your actions while you solve your problem.  Basically, Maple will annotate what it’s doing when you use the context menus.

·        More features have been added to the right-click context sensitive menus

·        2-D Plotting

o   2-D math can appear in titles, labels, legends and tickmarks

o   Exclusive plot annotation features allow sketching, typing, and drawing of lines, arrows, and shapes on plots using the drawing canvas tools

o   Improvement in rendering speed, tickmark placement, legend placement, line styles, etc.

·        Student Portal: This portal is intended to help students and other new Maple users perform basic tasks and find further information about Maple.  It can help you find the commands you want, and point you to relevant features of the user interface.  The portal is broken up into three main sections: How do I…, Tools and Features, and Maple Resources.

·        Exploration Assistant:  allows you to take an arbitrary Maple expression and create a mini application that lets you explore the effects of variables on your expression.

You can also see more of what’s new in Maple 12 by following this link: http://www.maplesoft.com/products/Maple/new_features/aca/index.aspx

If you would like to see more of this in detail, feel free to sign up for one of our Webinars : Intro to Maple 12 for Academics (May27, July 11, July 26).  You can sign up for these from the above link (signup is on the right hand side).

I hope this helps,


Actually, there is another way that involves less code and is easier to pick up.

If you enter your expression "z := 9-5*I" just like that in a document, you can right-click on the expression and a list of options come up for you from the context menu, such as absolute value, argument, conjugate, etc.  You can apply these multiple time just by right-clicking on the original expression.  You can use the context sensitive menus on anything that you enter into Maple.  This is a nice feature to use for people who are trying to use Maple on the fly for simple commands, as well as for those who are intimidated by code.

If you would like to see more detail on complex numbers, you can also go to Tools>Tasks>Browse>Algebra>Complex Arithmetic to see a list of commands.  If you are trying to learn a subject, there are tutors that can help you in some areas of pre calc as well


Hope this helps.


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