Tim Vrablik

654 Reputation

13 Badges

18 years, 8 days

I work in Maplesoft’s Applications group. This group is a hub between Sales/Marketing and R&D. I primarily work with customers to help them use our software for their projects.

Born and raised in Windsor, Ontario, I spent a substantial chunk of my life there. I attended the University of Windsor to study Engineering and Math, and moved to Waterloo to start working with Maplesoft.

My first introduction to Maple was in a differential equations class. Our professor swore by it every day, and felt obliged to show us examples on how to use it at the end of every class. Admittedly, I usually skipped out of class right around that point. It wasn’t until I sat down and used the software to do my homework that I truly realized how useful Maple was…I only wish I had heeded my professor’s advice in the first month of the semester instead of the last.

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These are replies submitted by Tim Vrablik

Could you provide a bit more info on the model then, like what are your I/O's, and what version of MapleSim are you using?

Could you upload the model so I can take a look at it (use the green up arrow).

For 1, the Maple tag didn't show properly in my previous post. Both examples should have had subscripts, just one would have 2 and the other would have i. If you want to have visible underscore, you have to type [\] + [shift} + [-]. Could you try to upload your worksheet so I can have a look at it?

As for the shortcuts, the command completion is essentially the same thing. Not only can you drop in Greek letters, but you can have commands entered in as well. For example, if you type in alp then hit [esc]+[space], alpha is dropped in automatically. You might want to take a look at the help pages for more info on this option.

For 1, the Maple tag didn't show properly in my previous post. Both examples should have had subscripts, just one would have 2 and the other would have i. If you want to have visible underscore, you have to type [\] + [shift} + [-]. Could you try to upload your worksheet so I can have a look at it?

As for the shortcuts, the command completion is essentially the same thing. Not only can you drop in Greek letters, but you can have commands entered in as well. For example, if you type in alp then hit [esc]+[space], alpha is dropped in automatically. You might want to take a look at the help pages for more info on this option.

I'm not sure if I'm understanding the question completely, but do you mean can you compile C code for use in other applications (eg HIL)? If so, then yes you can. In general you can generate C code using the code generation template (press the paperclip at the top to access templates). Once it is generated, you can open it up in a C editor/compiler and make any modifications to the code that you'd like.

I'm not sure if I'm understanding the question completely, but do you mean can you compile C code for use in other applications (eg HIL)? If so, then yes you can. In general you can generate C code using the code generation template (press the paperclip at the top to access templates). Once it is generated, you can open it up in a C editor/compiler and make any modifications to the code that you'd like.

Hi G Jacobson, thanks for the question. While the 3D constructor is primarily for multibody components, you can still interact with non multibody components in the 1D environment. When building your models, you can have a split screen that shows you both environments and allows you to edit and manipulate all of your components in either environment. When you’re building your models in the 3D environment, the corresponding components will appear in the 1D environment as well. You can take a look at this video for a quick example.

As for changing conditions of revolute joints, you can do that manually just like in V3, or you can position the revolute joints interactively in the 3D constructor by rotating the joints to the desired position.

% refers to the last expression computed, %% refers to the second last expression computed. Another alternative to using this operator is to use equation labels (ctrl+L).


% refers to the last expression computed, %% refers to the second last expression computed. Another alternative to using this operator is to use equation labels (ctrl+L).


Now unfortunately, some of the resources that you are looking at are out of date (I think the most recent  version of Maple they reference is 10, and we are currently on 13). In the grand scheme of things, this will not be that big of a deal, however there is an extremely good chance that these materials will use outdated/deprecated packages, or may do things that packages were created for. 

The application center does have plenty of examples for you, but we do have training material available on our website that may also help you, as well as all of our product documents/manuals.  Lastly, if you are interested in using Maple for teaching purposes, try looking at our Teacher Resource Center.

Hope this helps.

You can reach them here: www.maplesoft.com/support/

In Maple 13, you can use the command showsolution for some calculus problems.  Also, as mentioned above you can use the Tutors and have Maple solve a system of equations step by step.  When you use the tutor, press next step and Maple will perform the operation and tell you what it did in the window.

In Maple 13, you can use the command showsolution for some calculus problems.  Also, as mentioned above you can use the Tutors and have Maple solve a system of equations step by step.  When you use the tutor, press next step and Maple will perform the operation and tell you what it did in the window.

Although not quite the same, there are task templates for vector calculus that take care of multiple integrals, line/surface integrals, etc.

View is an option in the plot command.  In order to use these options, you still have to enter in the original command correctly.  For plot, that means you have to enter something like plot(f,x) or plot(f, x=x0..x1), so that's why you need the x=0..5 part.

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