
118 Reputation

9 Badges

15 years, 331 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Vrbatim

@acer Originally I was using plots[pointplot] along with symbol=solidbox and symbolsize=N.

To give more background i'm actually tring to write a general purpose package for plotting phaseplots and fractals.  Polygons are producing much nicer plots than symbol=solidbox especially when the "resolution" of the plot is low (i.e. NOT millions of points) beause the size of the regions can automatically expand so there is no white space between squares.

I'd gladly use (and was trying very hard) to use pointplot but "symbolsize" is utterly mysterious to me.  I'm using polygons because I can at least control their behaviour.

Is there more information about symbolsize that isn't documeted?

@Carl Love I'm generating postscrtipt files for printing high resoltuion fractals and phase plots.


Can I modify my question to "hundred of thousands" of points?

@Carl Love But then how come

> Algebraic[GetAlgebraics]( 2.0*sqrt(2) );


                                            {2   }

@Mac Dude @dharr

Would it not be better to throw an error rather than return 0? Which is simply incorrect?

[Disclaimer: I'm a RegularChains developer]

You may want to check out the RegularChains package (specifically Triangularize) if you're solving positive dimensional systems. For linear systems this may be overkill, but the output is sometimes more palatable.

 For instance, consider this extremely trivial example:

> F := 10*z:
> G := 2*x+2*y:
> H := 7*x+7*y:
> with(RegularChains):
> R := PolynomialRing( [x,y,z] ):
> Ts := Triangularize( [F,G,H], R ):
> Display( Ts, R );
{ x + y = 0
[{ ]
{ z = 0

OK. Given that all name are (and should) be considered variables (and polynomials) I accept the currect behaviour of the system.

However, it seems to me that this makes what I want to do more-or-less impossible (or at least inelegant). 

OK. Given that all name are (and should) be considered variables (and polynomials) I accept the currect behaviour of the system.

However, it seems to me that this makes what I want to do more-or-less impossible (or at least inelegant). 

Thanks Roman.

I suspected there would be some sensible reason. However, you may sympathize the "spirit" of my question. Could we not have a type like:


It certinaly is *not* intuitive that a procedure should be acceptable as a variable and, subsequently, a polynomial.



Thanks Roman.

I suspected there would be some sensible reason. However, you may sympathize the "spirit" of my question. Could we not have a type like:


It certinaly is *not* intuitive that a procedure should be acceptable as a variable and, subsequently, a polynomial.



@Joe Riel That's great. Many thanks.

@Joe Riel That's great. Many thanks.

Yes. That's *exactly* what I want.

I didn't occur to me to *try* to assign the output from timelimit. This ones on me but it would be nice to have this added to the docs.


Thanks Joe.

Yes. That's *exactly* what I want.

I didn't occur to me to *try* to assign the output from timelimit. This ones on me but it would be nice to have this added to the docs.


Thanks Joe.


I actually had the same problem with some of my sheets breaking. The reason is because there were some bug fixes made to Sample I outlined below. Basically now Sample returns a float (like 1.0) instead of an integer now. As lists are indexed by integers only (although you could just use a table) this is why you are getting the error.


With Maple 15



Sample( ProbabilityTable([.6,.3,.1]), 1 )[1];







With Maple 14



Sample( ProbabilityTable([.6,.3,.1]), 1 )[1];






I actually had the same problem with some of my sheets breaking. The reason is because there were some bug fixes made to Sample I outlined below. Basically now Sample returns a float (like 1.0) instead of an integer now. As lists are indexed by integers only (although you could just use a table) this is why you are getting the error.


With Maple 15



Sample( ProbabilityTable([.6,.3,.1]), 1 )[1];







With Maple 14



Sample( ProbabilityTable([.6,.3,.1]), 1 )[1];





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