
12 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 205 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by beanchief

Hi. Many thanks for your time. I'm just trying to get some help on getting maple to calculate the values in an algorithm. Can you suggest where I can access some help pages? The algorithm consists of 3 interacting elements; alpha(i), gamma(i) and epsi(i). The object is to compute the first however many (say 1000) iterations of epsi(i). To do this you need the first however many iterations of alpha(i) and gamma(i). Each value 'p' represents a different algorithm. (ie. a different set of the algorithms alpha (i), gamma (i), epsi (i). I put the *** around the information which is redundant for my purposes but which may be useful in terms of programming.
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