
8 Reputation

2 Badges

15 years, 275 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by bethie3683

I am trying to solve a system of 5 equations with given initial conditions. It keeps sqwaking and I can't figure out the problem! I have included the commands below:


I am trying to solve a nonhomogenous linear system. I am first trying to first solve the corresponding homogeneous case. I have Maple12, so I first entered the 5x5 matrix and said Eigenvalues(A) and Eigenvectors(A). This yielded two complex and three real eigenvalues. However, when I typed the system of equations and used dsolve of the system, it gave me all real eigenvalues. I have tripled checked my inputs and they match... why the discrepancy? When I tried odetest it did not yield zeros, but I can't see where the problem lies.

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