
70 Reputation

4 Badges

14 years, 56 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by bliengme

Does one of these stuctures have any advantage over the other?

I know the loop can be coded in a single statment but i am experimenting

How can I get the vlalue of x, y and z into an expression?

In example here I would like to know the value of 2x+3y+z

many thanks

How can I get the vlaue of matric c?

Thanks for your help

a := Matrix(2, 2, [[1, 2], [3, 4]]);
                               [1  2]
                          a := [    ]
                               [3  4]
b := Matrix(2, 2, [[2, 4], [6, 2]]);
                               [2  4]
                          b := [    ]
                               [6  2]
c := multiply(a, b);
                              /[1  2]  [2  4]\
                 c := multiply|[    ], [    ]|
                              \[3  4]  [6  2]/
           [        /   [2  4]\          /   [2  4]\]
           [multiply|1, [    ]|  multiply|2, [    ]|]
           [        \   [6  2]/          \   [6  2]/]
           [                                        ]
           [        /   [2  4]\          /   [2  4]\]
           [multiply|3, [    ]|  multiply|4, [    ]|]
           [        \   [6  2]/          \   [6  2]/]
1 2 3 4 5 Page 5 of 5