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These are questions asked by bnpndxtrwp

I've been trying to explore or animate a bode plot without success.  I kept simplifying things until I'm back to a basic example (attached).  I'm assuming there is an issue with trying to explore or animate a function that uses a system object, and am wondering if there is an apoproach that works with such structures.  I'm not a Maple jock by any means.



I'm trying to use what is essentially a vector of lists within and expression, using a range variable as one of the indexes, and it doesn’t seem to calculate any result.  Just looking for help or pointers, and I included an example of what I'm talking about in the attached maple doc.  I can convert it into a matrix and get it to calculate the result, however I’m suspecting there must be some way to use the Vector directly but I couldn’t see how to do it.



I'm am pretty new to maple, coming from a mathcad background, so sorry in advance if this is a dumb question.  My original need was to plot text objects with sold backgrounds on top of other plotted objects.  I saw in other posts that Maple doesn't natively support this.  So instead I'm trying to create a composite plot of objects by plotting text objects over polygons or rectangles.  However I can't seem to make a given plotted object "cover" another plotted object.  


Below is a simple example.  The easy analogy is just that I want to plot these objects in “layer order”, with L1 being the top layer.  So I would like the polygon to opaquely obscure the “underlying” contour plot, and then in turn, the text object to behave as a “top-most layer” with the polygon acting as a background for the text. 


L1 := textplot([2, 2, "Polygon"], color = white);

L2 := polygon([[0, 0], [3, 4], [3, 1]], color = red);

L3 := contourplot(x^2 + y^2, x = 1 .. 2, y = 1 .. 2);

display(L3, L2, L1); 

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