
45 Reputation

3 Badges

9 years, 118 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by briceM

Can i un a maple program in console mode (example, cmd of MS-DOS), by command line?. I ask this, beacause it would take a lot less time to execute.



I tried a Animation with 10 randoms HeatMaps:


with(Statistics): with(LinearAlgebra); randomize(): with(plots):

f:= rand( 1..2 ):

for n to 10 do :
RM := Matrix(10, 10, proc (i, j) options operator, arrow; (-1)^f() end proc);
G[n] := HeatMap(RM, axis = [gridlines = [10, color = blue], thickness = 2]) ;
end do
display(seq(G[n], n = 1 .. 10), insequence = true);

But this is nor work as well. How do i this?



I want numerical randoms whose out are 1 or -1 only, how do i it?

I tried this:


RM := LinearAlgebra:-RandomMatrix(10, generator = -1 .. 1)

But this is not work as well.


Is there any way to get random numbers in Maple with the Sobol method?

Thank you.

Hello, I want to export several excel files using a loop to

matrixMY: = Matrix (0 .. 5, 0 .. 1);
d: = 0;
with (ExcelTools);
for h from 1 to 10 do:
Export (matrixMY, "d: \ myfiles [h] .xls", "Payroll", "B2");
matrixMY [d, 1]: = h;
end do:

But this does not work well.


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