
20 Reputation

3 Badges

5 years, 264 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by denbkh

Hi, I am trying to solve a recurrence with rsolve:

rsolve({f(1) = 1, f(n) = n + sum(f(i), i=1..n-1)}, f)

Unfontunately, maple just prints the same function without evaluation:

rsolve({f(1) = 1, f(n) = n + sum(f(i), i=1..n-1)}, f)

How to get the expected result 2^n - 1 from maple?

How to find the closed formula for the sum of this sequence:

sum = n + n/2 + n/4 + n/8 + ... + 1

If n is 2 in some power, then the sum should be 2*n - 1. How to get this answer using Maple?

I am new to Maple and have some problems with fonts in Maple's forms. How can I increase the size of the monospaced font? (see the screenshot).

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