
30 Reputation

3 Badges

9 years, 358 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by dgem

Knowing that the Taylor series for cos(x) is:
sum := sum+(-1)^i*x^(2*i)/(2*i)!

How would I write the following Maple code?

Generate an animation sequence showing the Taylor series approximation of cos(x) from N=1..10, where N is the number of terms in the series. Each subsequent frame of the animation should show a more accurate representation of cos(x) than the previous one. Plot the animation from x = -2*Pi .. 2*Pi, y = -5 .. 5

From some scientific experiments, the following set of data is available
(1.0, 2.33),(2.0, 0.0626),(3.0, −2.16),(4.0, −2.45),(5.0, −0.357),(6.0, 2.21),(7.0, 2.75),(8.0, 0.636),(9.0, −2.45).

We need to use least squares method to fit the curve to the data
y = a + b cos(x) + c sin(x) + d cos(2x) + e sin(2x)

Show your solution procedure in Maple and get the best fit for the coefficients. Finally
plot the data and the y curve together on the same graph to visualize the fitting. For the
data, use blue circles while for the y curve, use red solid line style. Use the leastsquares
command we learned in LinearAlgebra package.

What is the solution to the following system? Is the solution unique? Use
the reduced row echelon form to explain why.
x + 2y + 3z = 1,
4x + 5y + 6z = 1,
7x + 8y + 9z = 1

Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for

A =
2 0.37 0
0 1.1 −4.29
1.6 0 2.2

Can you estimate the largest eigenvalues (in absolute value) using Power method for this
problem? Try to explain why if you can

Find the quadratic polynomial which interpolates (2, 0),(6, 1),(8, 0). Solve this with Maple. Start the problem by setting f(x) = ax2 + bx + c for example, then the unknowns are a, b, c.

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