
20 Reputation

5 Badges

19 years, 104 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by dkhramov

I have tried to make a pendulum with flexible rod (see file and figure), but have faced a problem. How can I set the initial angle of the rod deviation from a local vertical (alpha)? TSDA does not give such possibility.

And the second question: how to measure this angle during motion, and also an angle of a body deviation relatively to a rod (psi)? Probes allow to measure only angular velocity. How to get an angles?

For example, the simple pendulum length changes by the law

l = l_0+a*t

where a - constant, t - time, l_0 - link length at t=0.

How it is possible to model such system? Is it possibly to change r_XYZ in Rigid Body Frame under this law or it is necessary to go by another way?

Thank you for your post! But I`m newbee in MapleSim and have one stupid question. Can you explaine how to compute the g-force magnitude and feeding it into the TSDA? May be, you post msim-file or screenshot?

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