
455 Reputation

6 Badges

8 years, 143 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by emendes


I am exploring the Statistics package to see how Maple implements the transformation of random variables.  Unfortunately, I got stuck when trying the following example.

W->X+Y and then X-> W/2

For the first part, I did


but for the second part I could not figure out what to do.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks





I have a procedure that builds an ideal from a specific set of polynomials and then calls the Groebner basis package to eliminate some of the variables.  Even though the procedure is running on a machine with 2 processors, 24 cores and 72 GB of ram, only one core has been used (and is always on a 100% usage).  Would the Grid Computing Toolbox be of some hope in this case?  If so,  how to insert the Grid commands so that Maple sends the calculations to the other cores (I find the document rather confusing)?   If I am talking non sense,  please let me know.

Many thanks






I wonder whether someone out there would give some ideas on how to implement a problem involving monomials (or polynomials if you wish).

dx/dt=f(x,y,z), dy/dt=g(x,y,z) and dz/dt=h(x,y,z) where f, g and h are polynomial functions of x,y,z.   

For instance, I need a test that returns false in:

a) dx/dt=f(x,z), dydt=anything, dz/dt=h(x,z) or 

b) dx/dt=f(x,y), dydt=g(x,y), dz/dt=anything.

c) dx/dt=anything, dy/dt=g(y,z), dz/dt=h(y,z)

that is, if two derivatives are related only between themselves, a false should be returned.  An example where a false should be returned is

[x*y*theta[5]+x*theta[2], x*y*theta[15], x*theta[22]+y*theta[23]+z*theta[24]] = [f(x,y),g(x,y),h(x,y,z)] where theta[5] .. theta[24]  are the coefficients.  

Many thanks.


PS. I am trying to avoid "for" in the solution in case I need to add another derivative but could not come up with a solution. In that case I need to test 3 variables instead of 2 and then 2 variables (as in the examples).


I wonder if there is a way to see the progress of a specific procedure.  I have checked the forum for some answers and found that some of them propose a progress bar. However the progress bar doesn't seem to fit within a procedure.   

I don't need anything fancy but I need to see the progress of the loop inside of the procedure (over 3,000,000 times).   

Any suggestions?   

Many thanks


PS. I am running Maple 2016 too but I would rather see a solution that works on Maple 14 too, if possible.


Unfortunately I got stuck again when trying to work with monomials.  Consider the following set of set of monomials:

f := [theta[1]*y+theta[2]*z,theta[3]+theta[4]*x+theta[5]*y+theta[6]*z+theta[7]*x*y+theta[8]*x*z+theta[9]*y*z,theta[10]*x+theta[11]*y+theta[12]*z+theta[14]*x*y+theta[15]*x*z+theta[16]*y*z+theta[17]*x^2+theta[18]*y*y+theta[19]*z*z+theta[20]];


x, y and z are the variables and thetas are the coefficients.  The coefficients theta can be zero and I need to classify the resulting set as valid or not.   Here are some examples of not valid sets



fffff :=[theta[1]*y+theta[2]*z,theta[3]+theta[4]*x+theta[5]*y+theta[6]*z+theta[7]*x*y+theta[8]*x*z+theta[9]*y*z,theta[12]*z+theta[19]*z*z+theta[20]];

that is, the first coordinate of the set cannot be a function of x alone, the second coordinate cannot be a function of y alone and the third coordinate cannot be a function of z only.  


I could not figure out how to do that automatically, can you help me, please?


Many thanks.




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