
455 Reputation

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8 years, 167 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by emendes


I am running Maple 2023 on a mac M1. When I ask Maple to print a document with 3D figures, only the axes come out. 2D figures come out fine.  If I do the same thing on Maple 2022 on the same machine, there is no problem at all.   


Can any one confirm this problem?

many thanks


After using maple for quite a while, I am still confused by some basic concepts.   

Given the following table, how can I select the indices for which the entry is not null ([])?  

table([1 = NULL, 2 = NULL, 3 = NULL, 4 = NULL, 5 = NULL, 6 = NULL, 7 = 5, 9 = NULL, 8 = NULL, 11 = 4, 10 = NULL, 13 = NULL, 12 = NULL, 15 = 9, 14 = NULL, 18 = NULL, 19 = 8, 16 = 9, 17 = NULL, 22 = 9, 23 = NULL, 20 = NULL, 21 = 8, 27 = NULL, 26 = 8, 25 = 4, 24 = NULL, 31 = NULL, 30 = 9, 29 = NULL, 28 = 9, 36 = NULL, 37 = 9, 38 = 9, 39 = NULL, 32 = 5, 33 = NULL, 34 = NULL, 35 = NULL, 45 = NULL, 44 = NULL, 47 = NULL, 46 = NULL, 41 = 8, 40 = NULL, 43 = NULL, 42 = NULL, 54 = NULL, 55 = NULL, 52 = NULL, 53 = NULL, 50 = NULL, 51 = NULL, 48 = 5, 49 = 9, 60 = 8, 59 = NULL, 58 = 7, 57 = 7, 56 = NULL])

Many thanks


I am experiencing some problems with procedures that are saved to a file and are read back to a new worksheet.  Grid:-Map and Grid:-Set, which work just fine when the procedures were defined in the same worksheet, complain about the input parameters.  I have tried to define the procedures again in the same worksheet, call Grid:-Set and etc but to no avail.   I would like to try to save all user variables except for the user-defined procedures and defined them again in the new worksheet, and see if that works. Is there an easy way to do that?

I am open to try whatever is suggested.

Many thanks.



I wonder if there is a way to parallelize the function listed below.   It deals with a set of sets (dynamical systems).  As far as I can see the problem is with subs and simplify.  In some cases a division by zero shows up (the reason I added try..catch and had to use for). 

The procedure should remove the systems with imaginary coefficients and return the valid indices.  

Many thanks


Obs.:  The number of dynamical systems can easily be greater than 10,000.  Any speed improvement is welcome.

Example of one such a dynamical system is

[(-x*rho*xi[6]*(beta - 1)*sqrt(((rho + beta - 1)*sigma - beta + 1)^2*xi[8]^2/(beta - 1)^2) - xi[8]*(-2*y*sigma*xi[7]*xi[6]^2*(beta - 1)^2 + (sigma*rho + (sigma + 1)*(beta - 1))*x*rho*xi[6] + 2*sigma*z*rho^2*xi[8]))/(2*xi[6]*xi[8]*rho*(beta - 1)), (-(beta - 1)*(-y*sigma*xi[7]*xi[6]^2*(beta - 1)^2 + rho^2*(sigma*z*xi[8] + x^2))*xi[6]*sqrt(((rho + beta - 1)*sigma - beta + 1)^2*xi[8]^2/(beta - 1)^2) - (2*sigma*(beta - 1)^2*(y*xi[7]*(rho + beta - 1)*sigma/2 + x^2*rho + y*(beta - 1)*xi[7]/2)*xi[6]^3 + 2*x*z*rho*sigma*xi[8]*(beta - 1)^2*xi[6]^2 + (-z*xi[8]*(rho + beta - 1)*sigma^2 + ((2*beta^2*z - 3*beta*z + z)*xi[8] + x^2*rho - (beta - 1)*(-2*beta*y*xi[7] + x^2))*sigma + x^2*(beta - 1))*rho^2*xi[6] + 2*x*z*rho^3*sigma*xi[8])*xi[8])/(2*xi[8]*sigma*(beta - 1)*(rho^2 + (beta - 1)^2*xi[6]^2)*xi[6]*xi[7]), (-(-x*sigma*(beta - 1)^2*xi[6]^3 + (beta - 1)^2*(sigma*y*xi[7] + x^2)*xi[6]^2 - rho^2*sigma*x*xi[6] - sigma*z*rho^2*xi[8])*(beta - 1)*rho*sqrt(((rho + beta - 1)*sigma - beta + 1)^2*xi[8]^2/(beta - 1)^2) + xi[8]*(-2*y*sigma^2*xi[7]*(beta - 1)^4*xi[6]^4 + 2*(rho*(rho + beta - 1)*sigma/2 + (beta - 1)*((-beta + 1/2)*rho + y*(beta - 1)*xi[7]))*sigma*(beta - 1)^2*x*xi[6]^3 + (beta - 1)^2*(((-y*xi[7] + 2*z*xi[8])*rho + y*(beta - 1)*xi[7])*sigma^2 + (x^2*rho + (beta - 1)*(-2*beta*y*xi[7] - 2*beta*z*xi[8] + x^2 + y*xi[7]))*sigma - x^2*(beta - 1))*rho*xi[6]^2 + 2*(rho*(rho + beta - 1)*sigma/2 + (beta - 1)*((-beta + 1/2)*rho + y*(beta - 1)*xi[7]))*sigma*x*rho^2*xi[6] + xi[8]*sigma*z*((rho - beta + 1)*sigma - beta + 1)*rho^3))/(2*xi[8]^2*sigma*(beta - 1)*rho*(rho^2 + (beta - 1)^2*xi[6]^2))]


{beta = 8/3, rho = 28, sigma = 10}

and phi and coe equal to 

[[], [], []]


cleanSystems := proc(sys::list,phi::list,coe::list,coefmodel::{list,set})
description "This function applies coefficient values to a system and remove it if the coef is somehow imaginary":
local i,aaa:=table(),bbb:=table(),ccc:=table(),ind:=table():
for i from 1 to nops(sys) do
   if has(aaa[i],I) then
   end if:
  end try:
end do:
end proc:



I need to find all the variants (I am not sure if this is the correct term to be used but I hope this will be clear in the example) of a specific indeterminate in a given expression.  Here is an example:

alpha[3, 5]*xi[1]*xi[8] + alpha[3, 5]*xi[4]*xi[5] + alpha[3, 3]

For this particular example, xi[1], xi[8], xi[4], and xi[5] are the variables I am looking for. The indexes of xi change depending on the previous calculation.  Also, in some cases, I need the alpha variables instead, that is, alpha[3,5], and alpha[3,3].  

I could not figure out how to use indets in this case.

Many thanks for your help. 

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