
455 Reputation

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8 years, 112 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by emendes


Maple is dangerously close to using all available memory on my Linux machine by doing a calculation using  Grid:-Seq (Map, ..).   Is there a way to control the amount of memory used? Is numcpus a good option?   Or tasksize? 

I expect that Maple will use a large amount of memory since the calculations are performed over a rather large list of sets.  

Many thanks.


[Moderator's note: The original version of this Question mentioned using both Grid and Threads. The following 5 Replys will not make sense without knowing that Threads was mentioned.

Ed: Editing your Questions is fine, but please don't remove information that is necessary to understand the Replys and/or Answers that are already posted.--Carl Love]

Hello again

I need to find the position of the elements of one list in another list.  Here it is a simple example

L1:=[837, 526, 283, 216, 93, 512, 161, 202, 76, 851, 503, 437, 147, 36, 922];
L2:=[526, 283, 202, 437, 922, 865, 879, 804, 473, 325];

the position of the elements in list L1 is [2, 3, 8, 12, 15].   

For huge lists, this solution is not efficient.  Can that be done faster and less memory demanding? (Threads or Grid safe?).

Many thanks.



I have a list with a large number of elements and I need to partition it in chunks of a specific size.  Here is my attempt

listpart := proc(cond::list,nchunk::nonnegint:=1000)
if numelems(cond) < nchunk then
end if:
end proc:

It does not run as fast as I thought.  I am not even sure if Threads:-Seq could be used in this case.  Please tell me what I am doing wrong and how I can modify the code to get a faster response.  

Many thanks




In Section 14.5 - External Calling ..., page 489, the authors gave an example on how to use the command line in Unix to call maple with arguments. I followed the example but added a mpl-file to see if the arguments were sent to it.  

Example (Linux):

/opt/maple2020/bin/maple -c n:=4 -c 'path:="/home/eduardo/examples";' example.mpl > output.txt &

Maple sends out the following error message: "Error, incorrect syntax in parse: '/' unexpected (near 7th character of parsed string)".

The msg is clear where the error is but I could not figure out what to do. The single quotes were supposed to take care of that, weren't they?  

Many thanks.


Edit: I have added the double-quotes.   The problem still persists.  


I am not sure how to choose between Threads:-Seq and Grid:-Seq.  

The problem:  a procedure, proc1, that calls two other procedures, proc2 and proc3, verifies if a set of parameters fulfills a certain condition. Proc1, proc2 and proc3 are not part of Maple available functions.  

Right now I am using Grid:-Seq to return the result of applying proc1 to chunks of a thousand parameters.  I wonder whether I could use Thread:-Seq instead.   What are the advantages of using one instead of the other?  And when do I choose one over the other?  


I would appreciate if you could provide simple examples to explain the differences.  


Many thanks.



PS.  There is a problem with Grid:-Seq as reported in one of my previous questions.

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