
35 Reputation

3 Badges

2 years, 253 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by frax520l

I'm trying to replicate this video:

Note that the variables a, b, c are integers.

Here is my Maple worksheet:

eq1 := a*b + c = 2020;
                     eq1 := a b + c = 2020

eq2 := b*c + a = 2021;
                     eq2 := b c + a = 2021

sol1 := isolve({eq1, eq2});
              sol1 := {a = 2021, b = 0, c = 2020}

However, there is another solution {a = 673, b = 2, c = 674}. Why does isolve not find the second solution? I tried 'allvalues', but it did not work.

Pls see below worksheet. I want to compute the maximum number that appears in the Collatz series when starting with several starting numbers.

I calculate the maximum number appearing when starting with a specific number in procedure collatz. Then I want to calculate the maximum number appearing when calling different starting numbers in procedure collatz_max by calling collatz several times - collatz_max does not yet contain the handing of the results from collatz as the below error appears. If I only call collatz in collatz_max it return the right value, but in the loop or if I assign collatz to a variable within procedure collatz_max, calling collatz returns () as a result.

What do I do wrong?

Thanks for helping,



When I export a very simple Maple 2018 (MaxOS) document to Latex, this tex file results:


%% Created by Maple 2018.2, Mac OS X

%% Source Worksheet: untitled 3

%% Generated: Sun Jul 03 16:34:49 CEST 2022






\DefineParaStyle{Maple Bullet Item}

\DefineParaStyle{Maple Heading 1}

\DefineParaStyle{Maple Warning}

\DefineParaStyle{Maple Heading 4}

\DefineParaStyle{Maple Heading 2}

\DefineParaStyle{Maple Heading 3}

\DefineParaStyle{Maple Dash Item}

\DefineParaStyle{Maple Error}

\DefineParaStyle{Maple Title}

\DefineParaStyle{Maple Text Output}

\DefineParaStyle{Maple Normal}

\DefineCharStyle{Maple 2D Output}

\DefineCharStyle{Maple 2D Input}

\DefineCharStyle{Maple Maple Input}

\DefineCharStyle{Maple 2D Math}

\DefineCharStyle{Maple Hyperlink}

\begin{Maple Normal}{

\begin{Maple Normal}{

\mapleinline{inert}{2d}{restart; 1}{\[\displaystyle \]}

}\end{Maple Normal}

}\end{Maple Normal}

\begin{Maple Normal}{

\begin{Maple Normal}{

\mapleinline{inert}{2d}{a := b^2-sqrt(4); "_noterminate"}{\[\displaystyle \]}

}\end{Maple Normal}

}\end{Maple Normal}


\begin{Maple Normal}{

\mapleinline{inert}{2d}{a := b^2-sqrt(4); "_noterminate"}{\[\displaystyle \]}

}\end{Maple Normal}



\mapleinline{inert}{2d}{a := b^2-2; "_noterminate"}{\[\displaystyle \]}



\begin{Maple Normal}{

\begin{Maple Normal}{

\mapleinline{inert}{2d}{a := b^2-sqrt(4); "_noterminate"}{\[\displaystyle \]}

}\end{Maple Normal}

}\end{Maple Normal}


\begin{Maple Normal}{

\mapleinline{inert}{2d}{a := b^2-sqrt(4); "_noterminate"}{\[\displaystyle \]}

}\end{Maple Normal}



\mapleinline{inert}{2d}{a := b^2-2; "_noterminate"}{\[\displaystyle \]}



\begin{Maple Normal}{

\begin{Maple Normal}{

\mapleinline{inert}{2d}{}{\[\displaystyle \]}

}\end{Maple Normal}

}\end{Maple Normal}



However, when trying to process the tex file in both Overleaf and TexShop the pdf output is only an empty page. No error occurs, i.e. the maplestd2e.sty file is recognised by both Overleaf and TexShop.


What is going wrong here?

Why is Maple not assigning values to A and B in the below example (Maple2018)?

assume(A < B);

S := 2/(B-A);
                           S := -----
                                B~ - A~
B := 10; A := 5;
                            B := 10
                             A := 5
                             B~ - A~

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