
25 Reputation

4 Badges

4 years, 3 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by gdikal

Hello again,

I want to maximize a function u(k,x) with the following form

u := (k, x) -> (1 - theta(sP, sL))((p + sP)*q(x) - w(k)*x + sL) + theta(sP, sL)*b(k)

where theta, q, b, w have previously being defined and (sP,sL) are parameters. I want to maximize u and therefore,

Maximize(u(k, x), variables = {k, x}, k = 0 .. 1);

My question is how to tell Maple that I want my optimal solution, (k*,x*) to be expressed as a function of (sP,sL)?



Recently I switched from Mathematica to Maple. I have the following code 

solve({pf'(e)- psi'(e) - tau - mu*pi(tau)/(1 - pi(tau)) = 0}, {tau}) assuming 0 < p, 0 < tau, 0 < mu, 0 <= pi< 1

and I am getting a result of 

RootOf(-D(pf)(e)*pi(_Z) - mu*pi(_Z) + _Z*pi(_Z) + 2*pi(_Z) + D(pf)(e) - _Z - 2)

I have to questions: (a) what does that _Z means? (b) is it possible to express the above solution in a more "readable" way?

Thanks in advance

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