
28 Reputation

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16 years, 318 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by gksgks

        May be you can try NLPsolve in Optimization package.
I am not sure about the answer since I am a new user. But I have got the following answer. Donot know whether the answer is right. Please check it.

> with(Optimization);
> g = (3*x^2*y^2+4*x^2*y+21*x^2-4*x*y^2-72*x*y-128*x+21*y^2+128*y+297)/((x^2+2*x+2)*(y^2-2*y+2)*(x^2-8*x+17)*(y^2+8*y-17));
> NLPSolve(g, x = -1.5 .. -.5, y = 1.7 .. 1.8, maximize = true);
     [                      19 
     [9.99990000000000000 10  ,

       [                          19                                  ]]
       [g = 9.99990000000000000 10  , y = 1.75000000000000000, x = -1.]]

Where g is the objective function.


Thank you Alec, for the explanation.

Thank you Alec,

                     It works. When I tried to solve the problem initially with fsolve,but I havent set Digits:=14. Now it works.
Could you please answer to some of my doubts?  We give the starting point (for example X1=500) means, fsolve start taking values from X1=500? And we set the starting values in order to get our conditions(for example X1<X2 etc?)


Thank you. I have got a polynomial out of the data which I supplied. I was trying to check whether Chebyshev interpolation is better than cubic spline or not. But it turned out that spline interpolation is better for my data.

Thanks for the reply....

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