
28 Reputation

2 Badges

16 years, 322 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by gksgks

I am a beginner in maple.
I encountered a difficulty in solving the below equations:
I have four equations :

192.5 = 6.8889*10^8*(X1/(exp(1199.562077/Y1)-1)+X2/(exp(1199.562077/Y2)-1));
977.9 = 1.755442918*10^7*(X1/(exp(575.7897971/Y1)-1)+X2/(exp(575.7897971/Y2)-1));
4642.7 = 2.20449676*10^5*(X1/(exp(239.9124155/Y1)-1)+X2/(exp(239.9124155/Y2)-1));
6139.8 = 17143.12466*(X1/(exp(143.9474493/Y1)-1)+X2/(exp(143.9474493/Y2)-1));

I would like to calculate X1,X2,Y1,Y2 from the above equations.


            I have a question regarding  Chebyshev interpolation of data. How can I interpolate the following data by Chebyshev interpolation using maple?


Thank you


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