
20 Reputation

One Badge

2 years, 313 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by harry4939

Hi, guys. 

I have a question with D(D)^k, where D is a diagonal matrix,k>=0,for example

D:=<<6, 0> | <0, -1>>

I want Dk to be simplified to the form

<<6k, 0> | <0, (-1)k>>

How can I get it?

TKS in advance!


I am new in Maple,when I execute the "InversePlot" command ,all functions were correct except for exp(x), error occurs as follows, can anyone tell me what mistake I took?

Tks in advance!


InversePlot(exp(x), -1 .. 1);
Error, (in Student:-Calculus1:-InversePlot) module does not export `IsTrigProc`


Tks for all you guys. 

I have uninstall Maple and deleted the installed directory ,clear the register,reinstall Maple 2022, now all works well.

I think the problem is I installed Maple 2022 in the old directory of 2021for keeping my configuration,this caused much unexpected problem

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