
20 Reputation

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2 years, 190 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by harry4939


OK, I will keep in mind with theses difference ,thank you!

@Thomas Richard 

Yes,the two methods are all working,thanks very much!


@tomleslie invPlot2.mw does not work on my pc,

My system is win10 64bit Pro 21H2,installed directiory "D:\Program Files\Maple 2022"

All the worksheet you attched do not work on my pc,so I think is it installation problem or system problem?


Sorry,I could't upload the mw document ,I don't know why,I have a screenshot

@tomleslie I use Maple 2022.

The Trigonometric functions with the same error when executing the command, but polynominal functions are ok like x^2.

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