
Mr. Hermes Rozsa Iglesias

1038 Reputation

13 Badges

19 years, 247 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by herclau

My comments, Maple codes are shown as follows:
codes that you set out, are displayed correctly:
I tried to export to html or htm
the Maple worksheet, with no results
Many more happy by Robert Israel

with(Statistics); -1; with(plots); -1 

`:=`(m, s, 0, 1); -1 

`:=`(a, b, -3, 3); -1 

`:=`(g, unapply(PDF(Normal(m, s), x), x)); -1 

`:=`(pinf, sort([solve((D(D(g)))(x))], '`<`')); -1 

`:=`(p1, plot(g(x), x = a .. pinf[1], filled = true, colour = orange)); -1; `:=`(p2, plot(g(x), x = pinf[1] .. pinf[2], filled = true, colour = blue)); -1; `:=`(p3, plot(g(x), x = pinf[2] .. b, filled...
`:=`(p1, plot(g(x), x = a .. pinf[1], filled = true, colour = orange)); -1; `:=`(p2, plot(g(x), x = pinf[1] .. pinf[2], filled = true, colour = blue)); -1; `:=`(p3, plot(g(x), x = pinf[2] .. b, filled...
`:=`(p1, plot(g(x), x = a .. pinf[1], filled = true, colour = orange)); -1; `:=`(p2, plot(g(x), x = pinf[1] .. pinf[2], filled = true, colour = blue)); -1; `:=`(p3, plot(g(x), x = pinf[2] .. b, filled...

`:=`(p4, pointplot({[pinf[1], g(pinf[1])], [pinf[2], g(pinf[2])]}, symbolsize = 15)); -1; `:=`(p5, textplot([`+`(pinf[1], `-`(.3)), g(pinf[1]), `+`(mu, `-`(sigma))], align = left), textplot([`+`(pinf[...
`:=`(p4, pointplot({[pinf[1], g(pinf[1])], [pinf[2], g(pinf[2])]}, symbolsize = 15)); -1; `:=`(p5, textplot([`+`(pinf[1], `-`(.3)), g(pinf[1]), `+`(mu, `-`(sigma))], align = left), textplot([`+`(pinf[...
`:=`(p4, pointplot({[pinf[1], g(pinf[1])], [pinf[2], g(pinf[2])]}, symbolsize = 15)); -1; `:=`(p5, textplot([`+`(pinf[1], `-`(.3)), g(pinf[1]), `+`(mu, `-`(sigma))], align = left), textplot([`+`(pinf[...

display([p1, p2, p3, p4, p5], xtickmarks = [`+`(m, `-`(s)) = `+`(mu, `-`(sigma)), m = mu, `+`(m, s) = `+`(mu, sigma)], axis[2] = [colour = white])
display([p1, p2, p3, p4, p5], xtickmarks = [`+`(m, `-`(s)) = `+`(mu, `-`(sigma)), m = mu, `+`(m, s) = `+`(mu, sigma)], axis[2] = [colour = white])


Thank you
Thank you very much Robert Israel, that was exactly what I looking for.
Remain as a future task to hide, the points of the function: FunctionChart.
How to make codes of Maple in the commentaries, are like those of you?
After having worked with the commands of the function InflectionPoints
and see the last comment by Robert Israel, I have accomplished the following:
sx := Student[Calculus1]:-InflectionPoints(PDF(N, x), 1 .. 12.5, numeric);
p1 := Student[Calculus1]:-FunctionChart(PDF(N, x), 1 .. 12.5, concavity = [filled("Orange", blue), arrows], numarrows = 3, pointoptions = [symbolsize = 20], sign = [color(blue, blue)], xtickmarks = [sx[1] = mu-sigma, 6.8 = mu, sx[2] = mu+sigma], caption = []):
p2 := plots:-textplot([sx[1]-.3, PDF(N, sx[1]), mu-sigma], align = left), plots:-textplot([sx[2]+.3, PDF(N, sx[2]), mu+sigma], align = right):
plots:-display(p1, p2, axis[2] = [colour = white]);
 How highlight the turning points and hide the other points on the graph. I failed to do so. I draw my intentions in the picture.
Thanks Robert Israel,

How could mark on the graph the values of the order, not display that ordinate axis , nor arrows and legend? is possible using the command:
Student[Calculus1]:-FunctionChart(PDF(N, x), 1 .. 12.5);
how to create a procedure that gives a similar figure, with no arrows, axes of ordinates and legend?
Thanks for the ride. A thousand works wonders. 
We completed a task, thanks to the comments of the Forum, and post consultation.
So We show that the final piece of work that could be subject to improvements,

View 9494_Histogram3end.mw on MapleNet or Download 9494_Histogram3end.mw
View file details


O.k Colleagues,
All I need is to bring together the two procedures are in this worksheet.
I need your guidance, the alternatives I have implementedd o not work properly .
I do not know how nested procedures.

Thank you, Scott,
Pasting in 1D, the examples of the help of Maple working properly. But the code of procedure in which I desire to introduce new procedure, which will be called within the first, is a bit lengthy. Applying the 1D format, all that I had called on the line

use Statistics,plots,ListTools,c1=COLOR(RGB, 0.6196,0.6274,0.7921),c2=COLOR(RGB, 0.7529,0.7529,1) in;


end use

, became in:




color = COLOR(RGB, .7529, .7529, 1)))...

And I miss the comforts and facilities provided to us "use."



Thank you for your guidance, this will show the result achieved in a more compact.

[ why is the Maple tag not working? ]

why not put the maple commands directly in the post?
I confess that for me this has been frustrating.
I would appreciate any guidance. So, I would be on par with the comments posted here.

I tried to reproduce what they parked in this worksheet:

Application Demostration - Sharing Your Maple Files Using the MaplePrimes File Manager.mw

Without achieving results. So very often attached worksheets maple.

I do not know how to edit a topic when it is published, the excuse is rubbish at the end.
I note in this figure, if not clear, the function that should be invested.



I need to implement a procedure to find the inverse of the function that will show.

u2(tx)=(dh/d tx)-2 *(u2 (h(a, tx))+ u2 (Rx)),

dh/d tx =R'(tx)= R0 *A+2* R0*B* tx



as seen in this sheet does not achieve results. Any suggestions?


Maple Equation

Maple Equation




Maple Equation



Maple Plot





Maple Equation




Maple Plot


Maple Equation




Maple Plot


Maple Equation




Maple Plot


Maple Equation

as seen in this sheet does not achieve results. Any suggestions?

View 9494_Histogram1.mw on MapleNet or Download 9494_Histogram1.mw
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