
12 Reputation

2 Badges

19 years, 113 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by iarwain

Hi, I want to solve a kinematics problem. I have the following DE: > eq1:=diff(v(t),t)+4.646e-4*v(t)^3-7.13e-3*v(t)^2-0.085*v(t)-2.82: Where v=v(t) is the speed and t the time. My goal is to get the space crossed in a period of time: from t=3.35 to t=4.77 (seconds). Additional info: v(3.35)=14.77 m/s v(4.77)=20.4 m/s I've tried solving this with Maple but I couldn't (I'm a Maple newbie). This is what I tried: 1) I isolate the v and dv terms equation, so that: dt=dv/(-4.646e-4*v^3+7.13e-3*v^2+0.085*v+2.82) 2) Then I integrate that to get the time is function of the speed, t=f(v).
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