
Jeremy Chamilliard

45 Reputation

2 Badges

4 years, 79 days
Tech Support
Waterloo, Denmark

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by jeremaple

Great demonstration by @Kitonum . It could be extended to plotting a function and highlighting some points on that function like so:

t := x -> 3*x^2 + 7: # assign our t function
p := plot(t, color = "blue"): # assign the plot of t 
xpts := [-1, 0, 1]: # list of points
ypts := [seq(t(xpts[i]), i = 1 .. numelems(xpts))]: #corresponding y-values
pp := plot(xpts, ypts, style = "point", symbol = "solidcircle", color = "magenta"): #the polot of the points
plots:-display(p, pp); #display both plots

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