
20 Reputation

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11 years, 291 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by jmw193

Hi, I'm getting a weird answer for this problem.  It is a linear 3 mass four spring system between two rigid walls, and x(t), y(t), and z(t) are the horizonatl positions of the three masses.  Here's an what it looks like with the postive coordinate directions below each mass:

wall\\ ---spring---MASS---spring---MASS---spring---MASS---spring---\\wall



What is the command to have a programming loop record a piece of data everytime the loop runs?  I want to record the components of a vector each time.

Thanks for any help.


This is for a code that analyzes composite laminates with many plys of varying orientation stacked on top of each other, and this is the first semester I've used Maple.

I'm solving for the roots of an equation which will always have a positive and a negative root, and I do this for each ply (could be 100 plies in a laminate).  I want to collect the positive root for each ply, put them in a list or array, and then pick out the smallest value of all the plies ...

I've used the "unapply" command to calculate the several separarte transformation matrices (working a classical lamination theory problem in mechanics of composite laminates).  I'm now having a problem using these values to perform further calculations.  I've uploaded my file.  Basically, I;ve got to calculate some matrices and use those to calcuate other matrices.  Would anyone mind taking a look at it and letting me know if you have any suggestions...

I'm pretty new to Maple 16.


I need to calculate a 6x6 transformation matrix for 8 different angles (8 different plys...classical lamination theory problem in mechanics of composites class), and I don't want to cut and paste the matrix 8 times changing the angle.  I want to put the 8 angles in a column vector (I think that's right...maybe it needs to be an array) and then have the transformation matrix call the angles one at a time to calculate a transformation matrix for each angle ...

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