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8 years, 65 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by kambiz1199

hi . i want to get d^2 z[1] and d^2z[2] but this method give only dz[1] and dz[2] ....


q1 := 9045*(diff(z[1](t), t$2))+863728.*z[1](t) = -1963*sin(20*t);
q2 := 3454*(diff(z[2](t), t$2))+2^6*z[2](t) = -286*sin(20*t);
icy := seq([z[i](0) = 0, (D(z[i]))(0) = 0], i = 1 .. 2, 1);
so := dsolve({q1, q2, seq(icy[i][], i = 1 .. 2)}, numeric, method = classical[abmoulton], corrections = 2);
[t = 1., z[1](t) = 0.114730517257337e-2, diff(z[1](t), t) = 0.192255592847066e-1, z[2](t) = -0.186463122818374e-3, diff(z[2](t), t) = 0.320601041204689e-2]

hi . i want to solve couple differential  equation with ode analyzer  but i get error

i want to plot y[1] and y[2]. 
for example for this two equation 
diff(y[1](x), x$2)+3*(diff(y[1](x), x$1))+2*y[1](x)+2*y[2](x) = 3, diff(y[2](x), x$2)+diff(y[2](x), x$1)+2*y[2](x)+2*y[1](x) = 8;



how can i solve this equation with Two unknown terms

hi . i want to solve this pde. but don't get a solution

pde := diff(c(x, t), t) = d*(diff(c(x, t), x$2));
ibs := c(0, t) = (c[1]+c[2])*(1/2), c(-infinity, t) = c[1], c(infinity, t) = c[2];
pdsolve([pde, ibs]);

hi . i want to solve a equation with newton method but i cant, 

for i from 2 to 5 by 1 do
    end do

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