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These are Posts that have been published by lehalle

The Palais de la Découverte is a museum dedicated to the discovery of sciences. It covers a lot of topics, grouped into 4 areas:
  • Earth and the universe
  • Matter and energy
  • Mathematics
  • Life
A lot of life experiments are conducted, and the planetarium offers thematic sessions. It has its own scientific review (in french), called "la revue du palais de la découverte". The Palais de la Découverte is located near the "Grand Palais", mainly dedicated to fine arts.
Click on the list below to find informations about scientific museums in Paris.
Here are some useful addresses if you are in Paris and want to buy scientific books.
Paris is the capital city of France and a French département. Situated on the banks of the river Seine in north-central France, it is also the capital of the Île-de-France région (also known as "Paris Region"), which encompasses Paris and its suburbs. Read more at wikipedia.
Click below to find all of the places that have been documented about France.
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