
129 Reputation

7 Badges

18 years, 308 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by lehalle

It is possible to pass to a procedure a name which will be used to name a geometric object.

> with(geometry):

> f:=proc(n, x,y); point(n, x,y); end proc;

> f('A', 1, 1);

I begun to implement Huzita's aorigami axioms in Maple... It's long and I'm not sure that I use the best path... View 744_huzita-01.mw on MapleNet or Download 744_huzita-01.mw
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How simple divisions or multiplications of angles can generate usefull ratio of length

> restart:

> with(geometry): _EnvHorizontalName := 'x': _EnvVerticalName := 'y':

Let's start with a square sheet of paper which vertex are named A,B,C,D.

E is any point on the segment CD and alpha is let angle of AD with AE :

> point(A,0,0); point(B,0,1); point(C,1,1); point(D,1,0);
segment(AB, A,B); segment(BC, B,C); segment(CD, C,D); segment(DA, D, A);

I try to solve a large class of origami folds using Maple, this is the mw file (at this stage, only one step missing, I'm not very good with trigonometry using Maple).

At this end I only have to express the angle alpha in function if the anlgle theta and the lengths y_a and y_b.

More explainations soon.


After read this funny post by Will, I implemented a short function in Matlab (linked to Maple) to count the number of occurences of any number into the 10.000 first digits of Pi. Here is the result for the first 9.999 numbers:
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