
129 Reputation

7 Badges

18 years, 308 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by lehalle

Trying to use Maple to perform some trigonometric transformations, I found a good introduction to Maple: MCS 320: Introduction to Symbolic Computation of the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science @ the University of Illinois at Chicago. It have some lines about the Maple function, which give that kind of informations:
>> trigsub(cos(2*x));
[cos(2*x), cos(-2*x), 2*cos(x)^2-1, 1-2*sin(x)^2, cos(x)^2-sin(x)^2, 1/sec(2*x), 1/sec(-2*x), 
(1-tan(x)^2)/(1+tan(x)^2), 1/2*exp(2*i*x)+1/2*exp(-2*i*x)]

I've just made a sheet with two procedures that can be used to plot financial options at expiry.


It is often difficult to use the Symbolic toolbox of Matlab (which is linked to the Maple engine). It can be difficult to read the input and output from the toolbox. To solve this problem, I have developed a graphical interface to the Symbolic toolbox as I describe below.
I put on PhiMaTeX a simple sheet implementing first steps in percolation simulation : Percolation
I just push the last version of my sheet "proba4maple" dedicated to discrete probabilistic computations on my SourceForge hive.
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