
294 Reputation

3 Badges

14 years, 361 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by lei_xiaowen

I know what is the wrong.

in the f := d*t8(x, y)/h+E*s(x, y)/R^2+p*R*t4(x, y)/h

I made a mistake.

I am sorry to trouble everyone

To detail explain what I want to do

There are two formula

1ST:Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = -k, (1, 2) = -c*omega, (2, 1) = c*omega, (2, 2) = -k})*Vector(2, {(1) = A2, (2) = B2})=Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = M*omega^2-K-k, (1, 2) = -c*omega, (2, 1) = c*omega, (2, 2) = M*omega^2-K-k})*Vector(2, {(1) = A1, (2) = B1})+Vector(2, {(1) = 0, (2) = F})

2RD:Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = -k, (1, 2) = -c*omega, (2, 1) = c*omega, (2, 2) = -k})*Vector(2, {(1) = A1, (2) = B1})=Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = m*omega^2-k, (1, 2) = -c*omega, (2, 1) = c*omega, (2, 2) = m*omega^2-k})*Vector(2, {(1) = A2, (2) = B2})

I want to use Vector(2, {(1) = A1, (2) = B1}) to show Vector(2, {(1) = A2, (2) = B2})

but after the order ,maple do nothing.

Maybe there is something wrong in it.

Thank you.


I am really appreciate of you.

You are so smart!

In your way, I open the worksheet. I am very pleasure to do it.

I ran whole file, but only the muller.mw shows error, others are right. Such as

Muller's Method

                 "c:/nalib", "C:\Program Files\Maple 12/lib"
Error, invalid input: with expects its 1st argument, pname, to be of type {`module`, package}, but received numanal

Error, recursive assignment
Success!  Now lets continue to the other real roots.
Error, recursive assignment
Again success.
Error, recursive assignment
A third success. Now let's go for the complex roots.  It's quite a bit harder to pick three sensible values because we don't have the graph to help us.  But we will pick three complex numbers.
Error, recursive assignment
                             1.41102 ^(10, -14)
 as 0, this is just the third root, so we try again.
Error, recursive assignment
                              -5.288 ^(10, -16)
 as 0, this is just the third root, so we try again.
Error, recursive assignment
Success!  For the fifth root, we again take the conjugate of the fourth root.
Just to show you can find complex roots with real first approximations, we try to find
 with real first approximations.
Error, recursive assignment


And by the way, I am using Maple 12. How to solve it?

Thank you very much.

I am so sorry, I am the beginning of Maple, uptill now I can not use the worksheet.

I copy the worksheet mulleralg.mw(frome up worksheet to down worksheet) from http://www.cbu.edu/~wschrein/media/ANA/muller.mw and press Enter, but the time is running without end and nothing can be done. And then I tried to use the worksheet only from the first <worksheet> to <styles> and Maple shows

Error, invalid argument sequence
(Version majorequals"13" minorequals"0"Typesetting:-mambiguous(sol ,

  Typesetting:-merror(invalid argument sequence)))     (Labeluminus0Scheme

  valueequals"2" prefixequals"" sol)     (Viewuminus0Properties presentation

  equals"false" sol)     (MapleNetuminus0Properties warnlevelequals"3"

  longdelimequals"true" plotoptionsequals"" echoequals"1" errorcursorequals

  "false" elisiontermsthresholdequals"10000" elisiontermsbeforeequals"100"

  errorbreakequals"1" prettyprintequals"2" promptequals">" latexwidthequals

  "6.0" useclientjvmequals"true" ansiequals"false" screenheightequals"25"

  labelwidthequals"20" plotdeviceequals"inline" typesettingequals"standard"

  displayprecisionequals"-1" indentamountequals"4" elisiondigitsthreshold

  equals"10000" quietequals"false" plotoutputequals"terminal" rtablesizeequals

  "10" preplotequals"" showassumedequals"1" plotdriverequals"openviz"

  elisiontermsafterequals"100" labellingequals"true" postplotequals""

  screenwidthequals"79" elisiondigitsbeforeequals"100" elisiondigitsafter

  equals"100" verboseprocequals"1" imaginaryunitequals"I" ShowLabelsequals

  "false" sol)

and then define p and > muller(p, -13, -12, -11, 0.1e-5, 100, r1);

it only shows Error, recursive assignment

I am so sorry to trouble you again and again, thank you very much.


I am so sorry,I did what you have told me, but it shows as follows

> restart; p := x^5+11*x^4-21*x^3-10*x^2-21*x-5;
                     5       4       3       2          
                    x  + 11 x  - 21 x  - 10 x  - 21 x - 5

> muller(p, -13, -12, -11, 0.1e-5, 100, r1);
      / 5       4       3       2                                             \
muller\x  + 11 x  - 21 x  - 10 x  - 21 x - 5, -13, -12, -11, 0.000001, 100, r1/

> muller(p, -13, -12, -11, 0.1e-5, 100, 'r1');
      / 5       4       3       2                                             \
muller\x  + 11 x  - 21 x  - 10 x  - 21 x - 5, -13, -12, -11, 0.000001, 100, r1/

> muller(p(x), -13, -12, -11, 0.1e-5, 100, r1);
      /    5          4          3          2                              
muller\x(x)  + 11 x(x)  - 21 x(x)  - 10 x(x)  - 21 x(x) - 5, -13, -12, -11,

  0.000001, 100, r1/

I think it should work.But there is no result. I donot know what is the matter. I am using Maple 12.

Thank you very much


Thank you


the formula I want to show is in the PDF file I have uploaded(because it is a little difficult to write here),and in Maple I do,

hh := proc (`&varpi;`) options operator, arrow; (`&varpi;`-V*m*Pi/LL)^2/C[f]^2-m^2*Pi^2/LL^2 end proc; H := proc (`&varpi;`) options operator, arrow; piecewise(0 <= hh(`&varpi;`), sqrt(hh(`&varpi;`)), hh(`&varpi;`) < 0, sqrt(-hh(`&varpi;`))) end proc; Y := proc (`&varpi;`) options operator, arrow; piecewise(0 <= hh(`&varpi;`), BesselJ(n, R*sqrt(hh(`&varpi;`))), hh(`&varpi;`) < 0, BesselI(n, R*sqrt(-hh(`&varpi;`)))) end proc; YY := proc (`&varpi;`, z) options operator, arrow; piecewise(0 <= hh(`&varpi;`), BesselJ(n, z), hh(`&varpi;`) < 0, BesselI(n, z)) end proc; www := proc (`&varpi;`) options operator, arrow; (D[2](YY))(`&varpi;`, R*sqrt(hh(`&varpi;`))) end proc; PF := proc (`&varpi;`) options operator, arrow; rho[f]*(`&varpi;`-V*m*Pi/LL)^2*Y(`&varpi;`)/(H(`&varpi;`)*www(`&varpi;`)) end proc



Now I am not sure whether it is right or not, can you help me?

Thank you

thank you very much

I will try other method, after doing that I will post it here.

Thank you all very much

thank you, I will try other methods

Maybe I should use another way to get the solution of this equation for omega.

Would you like to  give me some advice?

Thank you very much

I met the same problem today,I use maple13,how t solve it

because the w has more than one reslut,so it can not draw the pic

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