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These are replies submitted by mahmood1800



I think the correct code should be:

P:=<seq(`<|>`(Matrix(M) $ N-1-k,E,H $ k),k=N-1..0,-1)>;


Hi Dear

The result is incorrect:
M:=3:  N:=2:
> H:=1/N*Matrix(M,{seq((i,1)=t[f]^i/i, i=1..M)});
> E:=1/N*Matrix(M, {seq((i,i+1)=1/i, i=1..M-1)});
> P:=<seq(`<|>`(Matrix(M) $ N-1-k,E,H $ k),k=M-1..0,-1)>;
                           [1/2 t[f]     0    0]
                           [                   ]
                           [        2          ]
                      H := [1/4 t[f]     0    0]
                           [                   ]
                           [        3          ]
                           [1/6 t[f]     0    0]

                             [0    1/2     0 ]
                             [               ]
                        E := [0     0     1/4]
                             [               ]
                             [0     0      0 ]

Error, (in Matrix) this entry is too wide or too narrow: Matrix(3, 6, [[...],[...],[...]], datatype = anything)

@Carl Love 

Ok...thanks.. I have forgoten it..



It seems that this code is cause for N=2 and M=3 it produces wrong matrix...

thanks a lot...this is what i want..


Thanks a lot...

@Mac Dude 

Thanks...that is what I want.....I am grateful of all


Thanks dear

but this only gives:

RTABLE(256942340,MATRIX([[Int(1/9*t,t = 0 .. 1)], [Int(-5/9*t,t = 0 .. 1)], [Int(7/9*t,t = 0 .. 1)], [Int(1/9*t,t = 0 .. 1)], [Int(-5/9*t,t = 0 .. 1)], [Int(7/9*t,t = 0 .. 1)], [Int(1/9*t,t = 0 .. 1)], [Int(-5/9*t,t = 0 .. 1)], [Int(7/9*t,t = 0 .. 1)]]),Vector[column]);

and the value of integral is not considered. however I need the numerical value of integral too.

Morever I want to have the result of integral as another vector with same dimension as V1 or V2.

thanks again

best wishes


@Preben Alsholm 


please view following attached codes:


in p1 program we have approximate sin(t) while N=3 suninterval and in p2 we do this for 1(as a constant function) but in p1 the result is:

namely the right 3 subinterval but in p2 we have:

where we don't have sunintervals as [0,0.33333] , [0.33333,0.6666667] , [0.6666667,1].

so what is the problem???

@Preben Alsholm 

but i want following form
[1, PIECEWISE([0, t < 0],[c[1,0]+2*c[1,1]*t+4*c[1,2]*t^2, t < 1/2],[c[2,0]+2*c[2,1]*t-c[2,1]+4*c[2,2]*t^2-4*c[2,2]*t+c[2,2], t < 1],[0, 1 <= t])];

[1, PIECEWISE([0, t < 0],[c[1,0]+4*c[1,1]*t, t < 1/4],[c[2,0]+4*c[2,1]*t-c[2,1], t < 1/2],[c[3,0]+4*c[3,1]*t-2*c[3,1], t < 3/4],[c[4,0]+4*c[4,1]*t-3*c[4,1], t < 1],[0, 1 <= t])];
and this appears with sqrt(int((g2(t)-g1(t))^2, t=0..1)):
now i an mixed up....

please help me


Hi dears
Thank you very much. you have written the answer of question correct and accurately. Good luck and be full of happiness


Hi. thanks alot....

that is completely true...


so thanks.....great answer and simple one

Hi all.

thanks alot for your nice and so helpful comments.

i want to have another matrix from above matrix as follow

where we have


how can i do it?

again i am grateful of all.


Mahmood   Dadkhah

Ph.D Candidate

Applied Mathematics Department

@Thomas Richard 

hi. thanks. it was helpful

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