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PH.D in Applied Mathematics

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by mahmood1800

@mehdi jafari 

Dear mehdi;

i only have the following relations:

@mehdi jafari 

Dear mehdi Jafari

hi. hope you to be in good health and have funny times.

thanks a lot for your cooperation. the problem solved successfully by you and Mr. Carl's efforts.

I pray to God you and your family always be happy and with best wishes.


Mahmood Dadkhah

@mehdi jafari 

Dear mehdi

 Please accept my best wishes and much grateful for your guides.

may i ask some question else about the structure of J?

now i want to use the J's indexes namely a_1,a_2,...,a_5 and b_1,b_2,...,b_5 as the coefficients of an approximation like follows:



where f_i(t)'s are known functions. how can i do so?

note that in J  we have 2 vector(vectore in vector) and i want computed part of a_i's and b_i's

thanks again

best wishes

@Carl Love 

Dear Carl

thanks a lot for your valuable remark. you are right and the numelems(C) command gives better answer than nops(C). Please accept my best wishes and much grateful for your guides.

may i ask some question else about the structure of J?

now i want to use the J's indexes namely a_1,a_2,...,a_5 and b_1,b_2,...,b_5 as the coefficients of an approximation like follows:



where f_i(t)'s are known functions. how can i do so?

thanks again

best wishes

@mehdi jafari 

Dear Mehdi Jafari

Hi. please accept my best wishes and much grateful of your attentions and solving this problem. I don't know how explain my interest for your answer. hope you to be in good health forever and have times full of happiness.

Best wishes

Mahmood Dadkhah

@mehdi jafari 

Thanks alot

the major program with outputs are given.

I have checked the matrix dimensions and they are correct.

I will be so grateful if yousee the program again.

@Preben Alsholm 

Dear Preben Alsholm 

thanks alot for your nice and comprehensive solution. it works good and the huge part of my problems in my dissertation is now solved. i have alot of problems and i will send them to you to guide me about them.

again I am grateful and hope you to be more and more successful in all aspect of your life.

Best wishes

Mahmood Dadkhah

@Preben Alsholm 

Dear Preben Alsholm 

Hi. hope you to be in good health and have nice times.

is there the same way for the solution of dx/dt=16*t*x(t-0.25) by laplace transform??

if so, please guide and help me to do it( if it dosn't consuming your valuable times)

best wishes

@Preben Alsholm 
Dear Preben Alsholm 

So thanks for your solution. you are right. It is another issue that I have sent the wrong. your answer is nice and exact and i am grateful of you. may i have your guide if i have other problems?

best wishes

@Carl Love 

Dear Carl Love
i can't say how much i am thankful of your answer. it is simple, more flexible and very fast. alittle mistake was in program and i have found and corrected it and now it works like clock...

again i am grateful  and hope you best days  

@Preben Alsholm 
Hi Dear

So much Thanks for your answer. i am completely new user of maple soft and so you should justify me to do wrong.

my major idea is  to solve a delay differential equation like: x'(t)=x(t-1)+2*t and for this i have used fourier series expansion for the x(t) and t and x(0) i want program to plot both exact and approximation solution in one plot and verfying that the approximation is not so bad.


i will be so grateful if i have your suggestion.

best wishes

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