
145 Reputation

7 Badges

9 years, 308 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by maple2015


When I use below cmmand within conditional statements or proc loops, It dosent work

How can I use a similar command to export plot as an Image with arbitrary format under any circumstances?

plotsetup(bmp, plotoutput = `Pic.bmp`, plotoptions = `height=400,width=400`); NCP; (NCP has a plot structure)


I need to display amounts of M2 and 1.15*P2 instead of Notations



I Need eliminate u(t) in Matrix U
How can I do it directly from dsolve without using string tools?




I have a Maple file which contains many proc loops and functions.

I need a linkage between some files to read the requested functions from source file and export calculations to another file.

Is it possible?

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