
145 Reputation

7 Badges

9 years, 304 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by maple2015


Is it requisite to write a program for solving NL Eqs?


Tricks for solving (lots of) coupled nonlinear equations numerically

  Methods for Systems of Nonlinear Equations


For m>=4, Maple 18 can't show numerical amounts of FW .

Maple 18 returns F parameyrically instead of FW.

m=2 ---> FW=6.18788052788535979489838829491

m=3 ---> FW=6.11860004299491357506825515146

m=4 ---> FW =







The exact solution is 6.110


Thanks a lot


Maple 18 shows the bellow value!



Thank you for the attached program

but result of attached file is not coincident with origin code.

I have to improve programming skills for solving time consuming problems in the least amount of time possible.

@Mac Dude thank you

@Markiyan Hirnyk 

Thank you for your comment


Therefore it is a bug! Like this:


Thank you for your comment

I mean domain of the functions f=sqrt(x+2*sqrt(x-1)) and g=sqrt(x-2*sqrt(x-1)) is x>=1, but why domain of function f+g is from -infinity to infinity?


new code runs in t=34.328 seconds (Maple18 + RAM 6GB + Core i5 Laptop)

by changing numerical parameters (without restart) because of cache memory it works in t=17.687 seconds.

Separating to smaller parts is an effective method!

Thank you



In which J is BesselJ(0,x) and Psi(r) is dimensionless function of w(r) (i.e. W(r)/Wmax)

"P" for psi has the minimum amount (B.C.s are Psi(0)=1 and Psi(a)=0)

arbitrary amount of between 0 and 0.5

Thank you for your comments

I need minimize an Integration and I use " Spectral Method" title for my question to clearly show what I need to do.

I use Vriational Calculus and solve Integration analytically by using Euler-Lagrange equation command:

EulerLagrange(f, t, x(t))

But I know want to solve problem numerically with Spectral Method

@Preben Alsholm 

Thank you

@acer  Thank you

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