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9 years, 319 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by mapleatha


Thank you, Kitonum. However, it looks like this is unstable.
I tried


in Maple 18 and I got

A similar incorrect answer I also got from Maple 13.

Thanks again!


@John Fredsted 


Thank you for your answer. Since products like this can appear several times
in the denominator (DEN) of the Laplace transform of a 2nd order DE, I decided
to use factor(expand(DEN)) for the entire denominator. This will get rid of all
the occurrences of the complex Is in the resulting product and I can handle the rest.
Thank you again.


@Carl Love 

BTW Carl, I did have the with(inttrans) command all along.

Thank you.



@Carl Love 


for your 1st suggestion it said:

Error, `inttrans` does not evaluate to a module

For your second suggestion, it gave me the same answer that it gave me before.
It works OK with Maple 2015, without reference to inttrans, but I prefer Maple 13, because I have my own copy.

Thank you!



That's just great! Thank you, Kitonum!




I now believe that the problem has to do with the Maple version that I am using.
I tried the routines in Maple 2015 and they worked fine
after I executed the startup code. This option does not exist in Maple 13.
Thank you again!



I am only using this stuff for printing, acer. In this particular instance, it just happened
that when I put another procedure around it, even the simplest procedure with nothing else in it, it doesn't work.
I will keep playing with it just in case.
Thank you!



Just great acer! However, this

EQ( 'LinearAlgebra:-Determinant(T)',
    0 );

doesn't work inside another procedure. I don't understand why.
I really appreciate your kind and thorough responses.
Thank you again!





acer, i input, for the matrix ALI=A-lambda I,

GG:='LinearAlgebra:-Determinant(ALI)' = LinearAlgebra:-Determinant(ALI);

and I get

Would you please tell me how to get rid of the parentheses?
I would really appreciate it.



Thank you very much acer. '|M|' = |M| did not work, but the second suggestion worked just great.




Thank you, Kitonum.




Thank you, acer!



This worked pefecltly. Well, now I need lambda_1 (with index 1) instead of just lambda,
A+`&lambda[1]; I`=<1,2; 3,4>;   or  A+`&lambda[1]; I`=<1,2; 3,4>;    do not work.
Please advise if possible.
Thanks again!



I don't see the term "Atomic" anywhere in the menus and submenus of my Maple 13 GUI version.
The "Convert To" menu item does not contain the subitem "Atomic Variable".

Thank you!


@Markiyan Hirnyk 


Mathematics is full of expressions connected with equality and/or inequaiity signs.
For example, we could have 10 expressions connected like this.
Quotes and double quotes will not work.
For example if A, B, C are complicated expressions containig vetors and matrices how do we print A = B = C?
For example, how do we print A+lamda I = A+ 4I = B?


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