
4 Reputation

2 Badges

19 years, 6 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mehamilt

Hello, I am trying to animate a solution to a set of coupled second order differential equations but I am getting what looks like the concatenation of the velocity with the graph I am plotting (note the bump to the left of the solitary wave). I am also looking to make it a bit more precise so I do not see all the distortion as the animation runs, I believe this my be due to the approximation of the numeric solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, M. Hamilton
Hello, I am trying to analyze the numeric solution to the following equations - now what I want to do is a little different, I want to plot u_(n)(some number) as a function of n. This would show me the progression through the particles/distance rather than with respect to time. Here is the code: > with(DEtools): > n:=5: #(n can be as large as 500..) > > sys:=[seq(diff(u||i(t),t$2)=exp(u||(i+1)(t)-u||i(t))-exp(u||(i)(t)-u||(i-1)(t)),i=2..n-1)]: > eqn1:=diff(u||1(t),t$2)=exp(u||(2)(t)-u||1(t))-exp(u||(1)(t)-u||(n)(t)): > eqnn:=diff(u||n(t),t$2)=exp(u||(1)(t)-u||n(t))-exp(u||(n)(t)-u||(n-1)(t)):
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