mehdi jafari

754 Reputation

13 Badges

11 years, 170 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by mehdi jafari

what these expressions means ? 
max(g1,0) ?
are they maximize ? or maximum elements ?!

@fereydoon_shekofte tnx Mr.shekofte for these links,very nice. thank u.

@ecterrab tnx for this comprehensive and acutally perfect answer. i learned many thing from these and actually as a Ph.d candidate in mechanical engineering field,i appreciate maple physics package to be very useful and applicable in mechenics. 'actually i face this problem when my friend and i do the same thing but me in maple and my friend mathematrica ! actullay maple do the whole things super faster than mathematica ! i got some differentials using physics package and some integrals ( i also do it by parts ) in just a few seconds ! but my friend do it in mathematica in more than some hours ! and he asked me why this takes too many hours ! and thus i make decision to ask why maple or why mathematica or why not !
anyway,i am really thankfull for your comprehensive answer ! really thank u .

for more information about breakpoint,i have a link :

i think maple will be more perfect and flexible by adding this feature in new versions . hope maple good staff see this post.



@Preben Alsholm break point in matlab,is a tool that help u break in any line of the code ( for example in your loop) and continue your code manually ( by pressing F10 i think ) . thus the code up to the line which has a break point will go automatically and after that,u can continue computing using f10 line by line ! and if you are into the loop,thus you can continue loop manually .

please upload your worksheet here,tnx


a := Matrix([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);


for k to 5 do


x[k]:=rhs(op(1,op(3,DirectSearch:-SolveEquations([a(1, k)*x+2+y = 0, x+y = 0]))));
y[k]:=rhs(op(2,op(3,DirectSearch:-SolveEquations([a(1, k)*x+2+y = 0, x+y = 0]))));


end do;


a := Matrix(1, 5, {(1, 1) = 1, (1, 2) = 2, (1, 3) = 3, (1, 4) = 4, (1, 5) = 5})

























@Alejandro Jakubi i think it will take me months to know what is going on in your complicated,but perfect code. could you please explain more ?i am really appreciate it.tnx

@Axel Vogt could you please explain more about this great code ? i actually do not know what has happend in your code ?

@Carl Love it was exactly what i needed,thank u. and thank u for thinking and giving time for my first and second question.

please write down an example of your matrix manually,tnx

u can also find roots using solve and fsolve commands,

could you please explain more? 

@Mac Dude the error is in maple 18.01,

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