mehran rajabi

120 Reputation

5 Badges

10 years, 329 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mehran rajabi

Hi everybody:

I have created a matrix in Maple but the Maple show it like as follow picture, How can I see the members of this matrix? 


Hi everyone:

I want to calculate the value of eval(diff(y, x), x = 0.418e-1)-eval(diff(y, x), x = 0.1e-1), how?

y := (1-Heaviside(x-0.10e-1))*(cos(9.0218219*x)-.99533285*sin(9.0218219*x)-.99999991*cosh(9.0218219*x)+.99533285*sinh(9.0218219*x))+(Heaviside(x-0.10e-1)-Heaviside(x-0.418e-1))*(.24369100*cos(7.7520047*x)-.36109859*sin(7.7520047*x)-.23739778*cosh(7.7520047*x)+.19615343*sinh(7.7520047*x))+Heaviside(x-0.418e-1)*(.95680995*cos(9.0218219*x)-.80884870*sin(9.0218219*x)-1.0381918*cosh(9.0218219*x)+1.1704059*sinh(9.0218219*x))

with regards...

Hi everybody:
I have 12 equations with 12 unknowns(c(1),c(2),...,c(12) and omega), I want to obtain c(1),c(2),...,c(12) and omega, how can I do it? The Maple file( is attached.
with regards...

Hi every body:

How can I solve this equation with Trapezoidal Rule in Maple? 

u(x) = 1+int(x*t*u(t), t = 0 .. 1)


Hi every body:

I have six ODEs in two case with their initial conditions: 

case 1:

eqs1:= diff(r[1](t), t, t)+.68041478*(diff(r[1](t), t))+732.61274*r[1](t)-0.11751824e-2*V(t) = -0.52084940e-2*q(t), 2.03*10^(-8)*(diff(V(t), t))+4.0650406*10^(-7)*V(t)+0.11751824e-2*(diff(r[1](t), t)) = 0, diff(q(t), t, t)+(9.5199780*(q(t)^2-1))*(diff(q(t), t))+1006.9998*q(t) = -2192.5091*(diff(r[1](t), t, t));
ics1 := V(0) = 0, q(0) = 0.1e-2, (D(q))(0) = 0, r[1](0) = 0, (D(r[1]))(0) = 0;

case 2:

eqs2:= diff(r[2](t), t, t)+3.3737665*(diff(r[2](t), t))+52672.540*r[2](t)-0.93177795e-2*V(t) = 0.18358493e-2*q(t), 2.03*10^(-8)*(diff(V(t), t))+4.0650406*10^(-7)*V(t)+0.11751824e-2*(diff(r[1](t), t))+0.93177795e-2*(diff(r[2](t), t)) = 0, diff(q(t), t, t)+(9.5199780*(q(t)^2-1))*(diff(q(t), t))+1006.9998*q(t) = -2192.5091*(diff(r[1](t), t, t))+772.79848*(diff(r[2](t), t, t));

ics2 := V(0) = 0, q(0) = 0.1e-2, (D(q))(0) = 0, r[2](0) = 0, (D(r[2]))(0) = 0;

How can i solve numeric stiff the ODEs and plot V(t) in case 2 for t=0..2?


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