mehran rajabi

120 Reputation

5 Badges

10 years, 329 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mehran rajabi

Hi everyone: 

I want to obtain r1(t), V(t) , q(t) in terms of U0 and plot V(t) in terms of U0, how? 

eq1:= diff(r[1](t), t, t)+(.3293064114+209.6419478*U[0])*(diff(r[1](t), t))+569.4324330*r[1](t)-0.3123434112e-2*V(t) = -1.547206836*U[0]^2*q(t)
eq2:= 2.03*10^(-8)*(diff(V(t), t))+4.065040650*10^(-11)*V(t)+0.3123434112e-2*(diff(r[1](t), t)) = 0
eq3 := diff(q(t), t, t)+1047.197552*U[0]*(q(t)^2-1)*(diff(q(t), t))+1.096622713*10^6*U[0]^2*q(t) = -2822.855019*(diff(r[1](t), t, t))


Hi everybody.....

I want to obtain the roots of below equation, How? 

eq:=1+cos(beta)*cosh(beta)+.5720823799*beta*(cos(beta)*sinh(beta)-cosh(beta)*sin(beta))-0.1285578382e-1*beta^2*sin(beta)*sinh(beta)-0.9629800618e-4*beta^3*(cos(beta)*sinh(beta)+cosh(beta)*sin(beta))+0.1377259814e-4*beta^4*(1-cos(beta)*cosh(beta)) = 0


Hi, i want to solve the Ax=b with jacobi method and 4 Iteration, A=Matrix(3, 3, [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, -1, -3, 4]) and b=[8, 13, 5]. 

i want to write a code with for or if or while. tnx

Hi everybody:

i want to obtain the binary(basis of two) of a number with procedure and without use the convert command, can everyone help me? tnx.

Hi every body:

I have to obtain Amax where is the maximum value of the f(t) function at steady state but at first i don't know steady sate what's the mean and the second i don't know how to obtain it with maple. help me plz. tnx. 


A := -6000.*x^3*((5.925123867*10^87*I)*x+5.830850605*10^88*x^2+1.752916719*10^90)/((4.241561702*10^89*I)*x^4-2.669934485*10^90*x^5-(3.812926555*10^90*I)*x^2+7.038145625*10^91*x^3+3.174301659*10^89*I-8.376628660*10^90*x)

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