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18 Badges

8 years, 230 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by mmcdara

Next proceed as described in the attached file:

Odes 2 and 4 both form a subsystem with unknown functions h(Theta) and H(Teta) that you should solve apart.
Note that it can be solved numerically or formally.
Once done, plug this soution into odes 1 and 3 (it's better to have solved the first substystem formally, but you can do the same using the option known [see help(dsolve[numeric]) ] if you solved the first subsystem numerically).

Errors to fix: 

  • The first subsystem requires 3 ic/bc and you give 4.
  • The first subsystem requires 5 ic/bc and you give 4.

@Prakash J 

Look at this file

@C_R Feel free to delete or reappropriate this comment if you consider that I have interfered inappropriately in your exchanges (I am no longer interested in this race for badges which seems to me to pollute Mapleprimes :-) )

To moderators: this post is deliberately a comment and not an answer, so please don't convert it into an answer. Thanks. 

First point: do not use D[2] (see red highlighted comment in the attached file).

Once corrected, your expression eq is not identically null (for this to happen the constant A, A2, B1, B2, lambda1 and lambda2 must verify some conditions.
This becomes clear if you consider that, for aany strictlyconfinupus function f,  shift(f(n), n) - f(n) is a forward divided difference approximation of diff(f(z), z) at z=n.

Note to the one who converted this comment into an answer: 
Had I wanted to write a reply instead of a comment, I would have done so. It wasn't a mistake on my part, so thank you for not changing again the status of this post.


[added by moderator, using Maple 2022.2]
(Thanks to the moderator, whoever he/she is)



eq :=  x^3-4*x*y+2*y^3 = 0

x^3+2*y^3-4*x*y = 0

p1 := implicitplot(eq, x=-3..3, y=-3..3, grid=[100, 100], color=blue):
p2 := plot([[1, -3], [1, 3]], color=red):

display(p1, p2)

# Find points of coordinates (1, y) which belon to the curve

Y := [solve(eval(eq, x=1))];

# By default all the roots of a 3rd degree equations appear in complex form,
# even they are both real.
# Tp get their real representation transform them in trigonometric expressions:

Y := simplify(convert(Y,trig));

# Floating point approximations.

Yn := evalf(Y)

[(1/6)*(-54+(6*I)*303^(1/2))^(1/3)+4/(-54+(6*I)*303^(1/2))^(1/3), -(1/12)*(-54+(6*I)*303^(1/2))^(1/3)-2/(-54+(6*I)*303^(1/2))^(1/3)+((1/2)*I)*3^(1/2)*((1/6)*(-54+(6*I)*303^(1/2))^(1/3)-4/(-54+(6*I)*303^(1/2))^(1/3)), -(1/12)*(-54+(6*I)*303^(1/2))^(1/3)-2/(-54+(6*I)*303^(1/2))^(1/3)-((1/2)*I)*3^(1/2)*((1/6)*(-54+(6*I)*303^(1/2))^(1/3)-4/(-54+(6*I)*303^(1/2))^(1/3))]

[(2/3)*6^(1/2)*sin((1/3)*arctan((1/9)*303^(1/2))+(1/6)*Pi), -(1/3)*3^(1/2)*2^(1/2)*(3^(1/2)*cos((1/3)*arctan((1/9)*303^(1/2))+(1/6)*Pi)+sin((1/3)*arctan((1/9)*303^(1/2))+(1/6)*Pi)), (1/3)*3^(1/2)*2^(1/2)*(3^(1/2)*cos((1/3)*arctan((1/9)*303^(1/2))+(1/6)*Pi)-sin((1/3)*arctan((1/9)*303^(1/2))+(1/6)*Pi))]

[1.267035099, -1.525687120, .2586520221]

# POI := Points Of Interest (I use float values for the sake of simplicity)
# Of course if you prefer using exact values replace the command below by
# POI := := map(t -> [1, t], Yn);

POI := map(t -> [1, t], Yn);

[[1, 1.267035099], [1, -1.525687120], [1, .2586520221]]

# Formal expression of the gtadient at any (x, y) point

Gradient := unapply(lhs~(diff~(eq, [x, y])), (x, y));

# Gradients at POI

gradients := map(t -> Gradient(op(t)), POI);

proc (x, y) options operator, arrow; [3*x^2-4*y, 6*y^2-4*x] end proc

[[-2.068140396, 5.632267652], [9.102748480, 9.96632713], [1.965391912, -3.598594789]]

# Tangent slopes at the POI

slopes := map(t -> -t[1]/t[2], gradients)

[.3671949779, -.9133503608, .5461553821]

  p1, p2,
  pointplot(POI, symbol=circle, symbolsize=20, color=black),
    plot(slopes[i]*(x-POI[i][1])+POI[i][2], x=0..2, color=black, linestyle=3)
    , i=1..3




A slight improvement where unitary gradients are also displayed :

The attached file contains a numeric exploration of some properties of Eq and an analytic study about its number of real roots.

As you repliedme once that you wanted analytic results and not results based on numeric simulation or graphic interpretation, this should give you some ideas about how analyzing your equation.

J := n -> int(cos(theta)*LegendreP(n,theta), theta=0..Pi):
                             -3 Pi
                               15   2
                          33 - -- Pi 
      int(cos(theta) LegendreP(n, theta), theta = 0 .. Pi)



evalf(2*Int(F[m,mu],t=0..7*B[m,mu],method = _Dexp)


evalf(2*Int(F[m,mu],t=0..7*B[m,mu],method = _d01ajc)

See the attached file (a print is added in the loop which failed to see the progression of the computations).

BTW: I don't understand what you are trying to achieve with your three last lines.

You have primitive pythagorean triples (PPT) and non primitive ones.
For instance [3, 4, 5] is a PPT from which some other triples can be found:

  • through permutations you get 6 triples,
  • by changing each number to minus its value (if you accept this) you get 8 triples (thus a total of 48 if you use permutations),
  • by multiplying each number by any positive integer > 1 you get a new triple.

The key is to find the PPT which are in some sense the generators for other pythagorean triples (PT).

Here is a cowhich build PPTs and some developments to generate induced PT.

My analysis:

Line 1 , is the equivalent of 

Distrib := unapply(PDF(Normal(average, sqrt(var)), 1.1*x-0.1), (x, average, var))

Line 4  creates a sample (size n) of a random variable with a Truncated Normal Distribution (mean=1, variance=0.399, support=0.8..3).
Statistics doesn't have this kind of distribution but it is very easy to create one.
Sampling it is not a problem neither.
Illustration (code written in a hurry):

I don't know what Total means?
Could it be

Mean(func~(RV) /~ Distrib~(RV, 1, 0.399))
# where RV is the name of the sample generated at line (6) of the attached file

If it is so, then the correponding Maple code could be this one:



TruncatedNormal := proc(mu, var, a, b)
   local phi   := unapply(PDF(Normal(0, 1), x), x):
   local Phi   := unapply(CDF(Normal(0, 1), x), x):
   local sigma := sqrt(var):
   local xi    := (x-mu)/sigma:
   local alpha := (a-mu)/sigma:
   local beta  := (b-mu)/sigma:
   local Z     := Phi(beta) - Phi(alpha):

        PDF = unapply( phi(xi)/(sigma*Z), x)
      , CDF = unapply( (Phi(xi) - Phi(alpha))/Z, x)
      , Support = a..b
      , Mode     = piecewise(mu < a, a, mu > b, b, mu)
      , Mean     = mu + (phi(alpha) - phi(beta))/Z*sigma
      , Median   = `if`(
                      a::numeric and b::numeric,
                      mu + Quantile(Normal(0, 1), (Phi(alpha) + Phi(beta))/2, numeric) * sigma,
                      `non numeric`
                   #   mu + (Phi@@-1)(Normal(0, 1), (Phi(alpha) + Phi(beta))/2) * sigma
      , Variance = sigma^2
                   * (
                       (beta*phi(beta) - alpha*phi(alpha)) / Z
                       ( (phi(alpha) - phi(beta)) / Z )^2

end proc:

X := RandomVariable(TruncatedNormal(1, 0.399, 0.8, 3))



supp := Support(X, 'output = range')

.8 .. 3.


n := 10:

RV := Sample(X, n, method=[envelope, range=supp])

RV := Vector[row](10, {(1) = .897362485588384, (2) = 1.02691084339848, (3) = .935420121873961, (4) = 1.65069973578381, (5) = 1.02359559220548, (6) = .841779027249969, (7) = .928454628140565, (8) = 1.30070117114770, (9) = 1.00227755594279, (10) = 1.78564814703848})


func := x -> 1/(1 + sinh(2*x)*log(x)^2);

proc (x) options operator, arrow; 1/(1+sinh(2*x)*log(x)^2) end proc


Distrib := unapply( PDF(Normal(average, sqrt(var)), 1.1*x - 0.1), (x, average, var));

proc (x, average, var) options operator, arrow; (1/2)*2^(1/2)*exp(-(1/2)*(1.1*x-.1-average)^2/var)/(Pi^(1/2)*var^(1/2)) end proc


aux_1 := Mean(func~(RV) /~ Distrib~(RV, 1, 0.399))



aux_2 := int(Distrib(x, 1, 0.399), x = supp)



_Int := evalf(aux_1*aux_2)



# A larger X sample

n  := 10^5:
RV := Sample(X, n, method=[envelope, range=supp]):

# Check we correctly sampled X

  Histogram(RV, minbins=100, style=polygon, transparency=0.4),
  plot(PDF(X, x), x=supp, thickness=3, color=red)


aux_1 := Mean(func~(RV) /~ Distrib~(RV, 1, 0.399)):
aux_2 := int(Distrib(x, 1, 0.399), x = supp):
_Int := evalf(aux_1*aux_2)



ExactFormula    := Int(func(x), x=supp);
QuasiExactValue := value(%);

Int(1/(1+sinh(2*x)*ln(x)^2), x = .8 .. 3.)






Here is an example of the uncolding of the prism.
All the steps up to the construction of the Spanning Tree should be generic (at least for a convex polyhedron).
The last one (the drawing of the pattern of this prism) is done by hand.
I didn't try ro make this figure by using the true coordinates of your prism (for the method to apply see Here for instance).

As I don't have time to go any further, I hope that someone else here will be able to take advantage of this code to produce something more substantial.



T := polygon([[0, 0], [2, 1], [1, 3]])

POLYGONS([[0., 0.], [2., 1.], [1., 3.]])


solid := display(prism(T, height = 3)):
faces := map(u -> select(type, u, Matrix)[], [getdata(solid)]);
NF := numelems(faces)

faces := [Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = .0, (1, 2) = .0, (1, 3) = .0, (2, 1) = 2.0, (2, 2) = 1.0, (2, 3) = .0, (3, 1) = 1.0, (3, 2) = 3.0, (3, 3) = .0}, datatype = float[8]), Matrix(4, 3, {(1, 1) = .0, (1, 2) = .0, (1, 3) = .0, (2, 1) = .0, (2, 2) = .0, (2, 3) = 3.0, (3, 1) = 2.0, (3, 2) = 1.0, (3, 3) = 3.0, (4, 1) = 2.0, (4, 2) = 1.0, (4, 3) = .0}, datatype = float[8]), Matrix(4, 3, {(1, 1) = 2.0, (1, 2) = 1.0, (1, 3) = .0, (2, 1) = 2.0, (2, 2) = 1.0, (2, 3) = 3.0, (3, 1) = 1.0, (3, 2) = 3.0, (3, 3) = 3.0, (4, 1) = 1.0, (4, 2) = 3.0, (4, 3) = .0}, datatype = float[8]), Matrix(4, 3, {(1, 1) = 1.0, (1, 2) = 3.0, (1, 3) = .0, (2, 1) = 1.0, (2, 2) = 3.0, (2, 3) = 3.0, (3, 1) = .0, (3, 2) = .0, (3, 3) = 3.0, (4, 1) = .0, (4, 2) = .0, (4, 3) = .0}, datatype = float[8]), Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = 1.0, (1, 2) = 3.0, (1, 3) = 3.0, (2, 1) = 2.0, (2, 2) = 1.0, (2, 3) = 3.0, (3, 1) = .0, (3, 2) = .0, (3, 3) = 3.0}, datatype = float[8])]




faces := convert~(faces, listlist):

HasCommonEdge := proc(edge)
  local n, s, c:
  c := NULL:
  for n from 1 to NF do
    s := select(has, faces[n], edge):
    if s <> [] then
      if numelems(s) = 2 then c := c, n end if:
    end if:
  end do:
  return cat~(F, {c})
end proc:

ConnectivityByEdge := NULL:

for n from 1 to NF do
  L := [$1..numelems(faces[n]), 1]:
  for i from 1 to numelems(L)-1 do
    edge := faces[n][[L[i], L[i+1]]];
    ConnectivityByEdge := ConnectivityByEdge, HasCommonEdge(edge);
  end do:
end do:

ConnectivityByEdge := {ConnectivityByEdge}

{{F1, F2}, {F1, F3}, {F1, F4}, {F2, F3}, {F2, F4}, {F2, F5}, {F3, F4}, {F3, F5}, {F4, F5}}


G_Vertices := SpecialGraphs:-PrismGraph(3);
G_Faces    := Graph(ConnectivityByEdge):

    DrawGraph(G_Vertices, style=default, dimension=3),
    DrawGraph(G_Faces, style=default, dimension=3)
  , width=50

GRAPHLN(undirected, unweighted, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], Array(%id = 18446744078276146710), `GRAPHLN/table/1`, 0)


# How the faces are connected in the pattern of the prism?

ST := SpanningTree(G_Faces);

GRAPHLN(undirected, unweighted, [F1, F2, F3, F4, F5], Array(%id = 18446744078367490526), `GRAPHLN/table/6`, 0)



# An illustration (note that face F5 cannot be connected to another edge of F2 because it
# shares no vertex with F1

face1 := display(polygon([[0, 0], [1, 0], [1/2, sqrt(3)/2]]), color=red):
face2 := display(polygon([[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, -1], [0, -1]]), color=cyan):
face3 := display(polygon([[1, 0], [1+sqrt(3)/2, 1/2], [1/2+sqrt(3)/2, sqrt(3)/2+1/2], [1/2, sqrt(3)/2]]), color=yellow):
face4 := display(polygon([[0, 0], [-sqrt(3)/2, 1/2], [1/2-sqrt(3)/2, sqrt(3)/2+1/2], [1/2, sqrt(3)/2]]), color=green):
face5 := display(polygon([[0, -1], [1, -1], [1/2, -1-sqrt(3)/2]]), color=blue):

  face1, textplot([1/2, sqrt(3)/4, F1], color=white, font=[Tahoma, bold]),
  face2, textplot([1/2, -1/2, F2], color=black, font=[Tahoma, bold]),
  face3, textplot([(3+sqrt(3))/4, (1+sqrt(3))/4, F3], color=black, font=[Tahoma, bold]),
  face4, textplot([(1-sqrt(3))/4, (1+sqrt(3))/4, F4], color=black, font=[Tahoma, bold]),
  face5, textplot([1/2, -1-sqrt(3)/4, F5], color=white, font=[Tahoma, bold]),


# Another spanning tree

ST := SpanningTree(G_Faces, F2);
DrawGraph(ST, style=tree, root=F2)

GRAPHLN(undirected, unweighted, [F1, F2, F3, F4, F5], Array(%id = 18446744078367481854), `GRAPHLN/table/11`, 0)



face1 := display(polygon([[0, 0], [1, 0], [1/2, sqrt(3)/2]]), color=red):
face2 := display(polygon([[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, -1], [0, -1]]), color=cyan):
face3 := display(polygon([[0, 0], [-1, 0], [-1, -1], [0, -1]]), color=yellow):
face4 := display(polygon([[1, 0], [2, 0], [2, -1], [0, -1]]), color=green):
face5 := display(polygon([[0, -1], [1, -1], [1/2, -1-sqrt(3)/2]]), color=blue):

  face1, textplot([1/2, sqrt(3)/4, F1], color=white, font=[Tahoma, bold]),
  face2, textplot([1/2, -1/2, F2], color=black, font=[Tahoma, bold]),
  face3, textplot([-1/2, -1/2, F3], color=black, font=[Tahoma, bold]),
  face4, textplot([3/2, -1/2, F4], color=black, font=[Tahoma, bold]),
  face5, textplot([1/2, -1-sqrt(3)/4, F5], color=white, font=[Tahoma, bold]),


# There are


# ways to unfold the prism (some are identical to within one symmetry)






expr := 3*G*(`&Delta;&gamma;`*H - `&sigma;y`(`&Delta;&gamma;`) + q)/(-q + `&sigma;y`(`&Delta;&gamma;`))^2;



indets(expr, function)[];
rw := % = Z+q;
rw:= isolate(op(1, denom(expr))=Z, `&sigma;y`(`&Delta;&gamma;`))



`&sigma;y`(`&Delta;&gamma;`) = Z+q


`&sigma;y`(`&Delta;&gamma;`) = Z+q


algsubs(rw, expr)






res := eval(%, isolate(rw, Z)) assuming Z > 0



sort~(res, q, ascending)





@acer  and I intertwined: this is basically the same answer but I suggest you to dsolve WITHOUT giving Cl a numeric value.
The solution then depends on t AND Cl.


st := time():

N := 4:

T := 5.0/60:

M := 6905:

dose := t -> M*sum(Heaviside(t - 24*k/N)*exp((-t + 24*k/N)/T), k = 0 .. 2*N - 1):

deq  := diff(C(t), t) = dose(t) - Cl*C(t):

dsolve({deq, C(0) = 0}):
value(%) assuming Cl > 0:
sol := unapply(rhs(%), (t, Cl));

time() - st;

proc (t, Cl) options operator, arrow; (6905*Heaviside(t)*exp(t*(Cl-12))/(Cl-12)-6905*Heaviside(t)/(Cl-12)+6905*Heaviside(t-6)*exp(Cl*t-12*t+72)/(Cl-12)-6905*Heaviside(t-6)*exp(6*Cl)/(Cl-12)+6905*Heaviside(t-12)*exp(Cl*t-12*t+144)/(Cl-12)-6905*Heaviside(t-12)*exp(12*Cl)/(Cl-12)+6905*Heaviside(t-18)*exp(Cl*t-12*t+216)/(Cl-12)-6905*Heaviside(t-18)*exp(18*Cl)/(Cl-12)+6905*Heaviside(t-24)*exp(Cl*t-12*t+288)/(Cl-12)-6905*Heaviside(t-24)*exp(24*Cl)/(Cl-12)+6905*Heaviside(t-30)*exp(Cl*t-12*t+360)/(Cl-12)-6905*Heaviside(t-30)*exp(30*Cl)/(Cl-12)+6905*Heaviside(t-36)*exp(Cl*t-12*t+432)/(Cl-12)-6905*Heaviside(t-36)*exp(36*Cl)/(Cl-12)+6905*Heaviside(t-42)*exp(Cl*t-12*t+504)/(Cl-12)-6905*Heaviside(t-42)*exp(42*Cl)/(Cl-12))*exp(-Cl*t) end proc




    [sol(t, 0.32), sol(t, 0.45)]
    , t = 0 .. 48
    , color=[red, blue]
    , legend=[typeset(Cl=0.32), typeset(Cl=0.45)]





At the end you get three different sets of solutions:





Eq1 := -(alpha^2 + beta)*u(xi) + k^2*diff(u(xi), xi $ 2) + b*u(xi)^3 = 0

-(alpha^2+beta)*(c[0]+c[1]*a^f(xi))+k^2*(c[1]*a^f(xi)*(diff(f(xi), xi))^2*ln(a)^2+c[1]*a^f(xi)*(diff(diff(f(xi), xi), xi))*ln(a))+b*(c[0]+c[1]*a^f(xi))^3 = 0






D1 := diff(f(xi), xi) = (a^(-f(xi))*p + q + r*a^f(xi))/ln(a);

diff(f(xi), xi) = (a^(-f(xi))*p+q+r*a^f(xi))/ln(a)


D2 := diff(f(xi), xi$2) = eval(diff(rhs(D1), xi), D1);

diff(diff(f(xi), xi), xi) = (-a^(-f(xi))*(a^(-f(xi))*p+q+r*a^f(xi))*p+r*a^f(xi)*(a^(-f(xi))*p+q+r*a^f(xi)))/ln(a)


DEq1_0 := eval(Eq1, {D1, D2})

-(alpha^2+beta)*(c[0]+c[1]*a^f(xi))+k^2*(c[1]*a^f(xi)*(a^(-f(xi))*p+q+r*a^f(xi))^2+c[1]*a^f(xi)*(-a^(-f(xi))*(a^(-f(xi))*p+q+r*a^f(xi))*p+r*a^f(xi)*(a^(-f(xi))*p+q+r*a^f(xi))))+b*(c[0]+c[1]*a^f(xi))^3 = 0


# Setting Z = a^f(xi)

DEq1_1 := collect(eval(expand(DEq1_0), a^f(xi) = Z), Z)

(2*k^2*r^2*c[1]+b*c[1]^3)*Z^3+(3*k^2*q*r*c[1]+3*b*c[0]*c[1]^2)*Z^2+(2*k^2*p*r*c[1]+k^2*q^2*c[1]+3*b*c[0]^2*c[1]-alpha^2*c[1]-beta*c[1])*Z+k^2*c[1]*p*q+b*c[0]^3-alpha^2*c[0]-beta*c[0] = 0


# I don't understand why yhis command doesn't work ???
coeffs(DEq1_1, Z);

Error, invalid arguments to coeffs


# Workaround


collect(DEq1_1, Z, Veil[C] );
CoefficientNullity := [ seq( 0 = Unveil[C]( C[i] ), i=1..LastUsed[C] ) ];
sols := {solve(CoefficientNullity)}:


Z^3*C[1]+3*Z^2*C[2]-Z*C[3]-C[4] = 0


[0 = 2*k^2*r^2*c[1]+b*c[1]^3, 0 = k^2*q*r*c[1]+b*c[0]*c[1]^2, 0 = -2*k^2*p*r*c[1]-k^2*q^2*c[1]-3*b*c[0]^2*c[1]+alpha^2*c[1]+beta*c[1], 0 = -k^2*p*q*c[1]-b*c[0]^3+alpha^2*c[0]+beta*c[0]]




{alpha = alpha, b = 0, beta = -alpha^2, k = 0, p = p, q = q, r = r, c[0] = c[0], c[1] = c[1]}


{alpha = alpha, b = 0, beta = -alpha^2, k = k, p = p, q = 0, r = 0, c[0] = c[0], c[1] = c[1]}


{alpha = alpha, b = 0, beta = k^2*q^2-alpha^2, k = k, p = p, q = q, r = 0, c[0] = c[1]*p/q, c[1] = c[1]}


{alpha = alpha, b = b, beta = beta, k = k, p = p, q = q, r = r, c[0] = 0, c[1] = 0}


{alpha = alpha, b = (alpha^2+beta)/c[0]^2, beta = beta, k = k, p = p, q = q, r = r, c[0] = c[0], c[1] = 0}


{alpha = alpha, b = -2*k^2*r^2/c[1]^2, beta = 2*k^2*p*r-(1/2)*k^2*q^2-alpha^2, k = k, p = p, q = q, r = r, c[0] = (1/2)*q*c[1]/r, c[1] = c[1]}


# After removing solutions which contain b=0 one gets three

sols := convert(remove((x -> member(b=0, x)), sols), list):

{alpha = alpha, b = b, beta = beta, k = k, p = p, q = q, r = r, c[0] = 0, c[1] = 0}


{alpha = alpha, b = (alpha^2+beta)/c[0]^2, beta = beta, k = k, p = p, q = q, r = r, c[0] = c[0], c[1] = 0}


{alpha = alpha, b = -2*k^2*r^2/c[1]^2, beta = 2*k^2*p*r-(1/2)*k^2*q^2-alpha^2, k = k, p = p, q = q, r = r, c[0] = (1/2)*q*c[1]/r, c[1] = c[1]}


# Of course you need a few other assumptions to remove all he solutions for which b could be <=0:

map(x -> select(has, x, b), sols);
b_PositivityConditions := map(x -> solve(rhs(x[1]) > 0), %);

[{b = b}, {b = (alpha^2+beta)/c[0]^2}, {b = -2*k^2*r^2/c[1]^2}]


[RealRange(Open(0), infinity), {alpha = alpha, c[0] < 0, -alpha^2 < beta}, {alpha = alpha, 0 < c[0], -alpha^2 < beta}]


# Final solutions:

FinalSolutions := [
                    `union`(sols[1], {b in b_PositivityConditions[1]}),
                    `union`(sols[2], b_PositivityConditions[2]),
                    `union`(sols[3], b_PositivityConditions[3])


{`in`(b, RealRange(Open(0), infinity)), alpha = alpha, b = b, beta = beta, k = k, p = p, q = q, r = r, c[0] = 0, c[1] = 0}


{alpha = alpha, b = (alpha^2+beta)/c[0]^2, beta = beta, k = k, p = p, q = q, r = r, c[0] = c[0], c[1] = 0, c[0] < 0, -alpha^2 < beta}


{alpha = alpha, b = -2*k^2*r^2/c[1]^2, beta = 2*k^2*p*r-(1/2)*k^2*q^2-alpha^2, k = k, p = p, q = q, r = r, c[0] = (1/2)*q*c[1]/r, c[1] = c[1], 0 < c[0], -alpha^2 < beta}





The case of spherical coordinates is more complex (read the reference I provided you in y previous reply).



f := (x^2+y^2+z^2+12)^2 - 64*(x^2+y^2)




crossection_radius := 2:
crossection_area   := Pi*crossection_radius^2:
Rotation_radius    := 4:
Torus_volume       := crossection_area*(2*Pi*Rotation_radius)




The cut of the torus (considered here as a volume) at a given height z is an annulus (in green in the figure below). whose inner radius Ri and outer
radius Ro both depend on z.
In polar coordinates the surface of this annulus is easy to write as a double integral in, lets say, rho and theta, where rho ranges from Ri(z) to Ro(z).
Think to this cut as a slice of height dz.
To get the volume of the torus just integrate the slice surface from z=-2 to z=2.

R := Rotation_radius:
r := z -> sqrt(crossection_radius^2-z^2):

slice := proc(Z)
  local L, H, G, a:
  uses plottools:
  L := 6:
  H := 2:
  G := 20:
  a := display(
         plottools:-annulus([0, 0], R-r(Z)..R+r(Z), color="Chartreuse"),
         plottools:-circle([0, 0], R-r(Z), color=red, thickness=3),
         plottools:-circle([0, 0], R+r(Z), color=red, thickness=3)

    implicitplot3d(f, x=-L..L, y=-L..L, z=-H..Z, grid=[G, G, G], style=surface, color=gray, scaling=constrained),
    translate(extrude(a, 0..0.001), 0, 0, Z)
end proc:

Explore(slice(z), parameters=[z=-1.999..1.999], initialvalues=[z=-1.999])


SliceSurface := z -> Int(rho, theta=0..2*Pi, rho=R-r(z)..R+r(z)):
'SliceSurface(z)' = SliceSurface(z);

SliceSurface(z) = Int(rho, theta = 0 .. 2*Pi, rho = 4-(-z^2+4)^(1/2) .. 4+(-z^2+4)^(1/2))


TorusVolume := Int(SliceSurface(z), z=-2..2);


Int(Int(rho, theta = 0 .. 2*Pi, rho = 4-(-z^2+4)^(1/2) .. 4+(-z^2+4)^(1/2)), z = -2 .. 2)





Proceed as before but express the surface if the slice in cartesian coordinates.
Its better to use symmetry and integrate over que quadrant x >= 0, y >= 0.

The first integral in CartesianSlice expresses the surface of the disk of radius Ro(z) while the second measures the disk of radius Ri(z).

CartesianSlice := z -> 4*( Int(Int(1, y=0..sqrt((R+r(z))^2-x^2)), x=0..R+r(z)) - Int(Int(1, y=0..sqrt((R-r(z))^2-x^2)), x=0..R-r(z)) )

proc (z) options operator, arrow; 4*(Int(Int(1, y = 0 .. sqrt((R+r(z))^2-x^2)), x = 0 .. R+r(z)))-4*(Int(Int(1, y = 0 .. sqrt((R-r(z))^2-x^2)), x = 0 .. R-r(z))) end proc


TorusVolume := add(map(Int, [op(CartesianSlice(z))], z=-2..2));

Int(4*(Int(Int(1, y = 0 .. ((4+(-z^2+4)^(1/2))^2-x^2)^(1/2)), x = 0 .. 4+(-z^2+4)^(1/2))), z = -2 .. 2)+Int(-4*(Int(Int(1, y = 0 .. ((4-(-z^2+4)^(1/2))^2-x^2)^(1/2)), x = 0 .. 4-(-z^2+4)^(1/2))), z = -2 .. 2)


As Maple doesn't seem capable to compute this integral (unless changing the integration variables to get back to cylindrical coordinates,
which is obviously of  no interest here), one can proceed numericallly and check the result is the correct one.

# Volume comprised within Ro(z)

IntegrationTools:-Expand(op(1, TorusVolume));
IntegrationTools:-CollapseNested(op(2, %));
OuterVolume := 4*evalf(%);

4*(Int(Int(Int(1, y = 0 .. (-z^2+20-x^2+8*(-z^2+4)^(1/2))^(1/2)), x = 0 .. 4+(-z^2+4)^(1/2)), z = -2 .. 2))


Int(1, [y = 0 .. (-z^2+20-x^2+8*(-z^2+4)^(1/2))^(1/2), x = 0 .. 4+(-z^2+4)^(1/2), z = -2 .. 2])




# Volume comprised within Ri(z)

IntegrationTools:-Expand(op(2, TorusVolume));
IntegrationTools:-CollapseNested(op(2, %));
InnerVolume := 4*evalf(%);

-4*(Int(Int(Int(1, y = 0 .. (-z^2+20-x^2-8*(-z^2+4)^(1/2))^(1/2)), x = 0 .. 4-(-z^2+4)^(1/2)), z = -2 .. 2))


Int(1, [y = 0 .. (-z^2+20-x^2-8*(-z^2+4)^(1/2))^(1/2), x = 0 .. 4-(-z^2+4)^(1/2), z = -2 .. 2])




# Volume comprised between Ro(z) and Ri(z)

Volume := OuterVolume - InnerVolume;







First point: some stramge characters in the definition of P.
Second point: the variable x0 is never defined I guesses it was a type and arbitrarily replaced it by x.

Onece these corrections done:

  • Your design of experiment does not seem correctly constructed (if I correctly understood what you want to achieve)... I corrected it according to my understanding.
  • Fop can be integretated formally once for all. Thus there is no need to write Fop := unapply(...)and I feel it better to write 
    intFop := unapply(...)where intFopis the indefinite integral of Fopwrt x.

Note that the solution is trivial because IntFop is a sum of terms which are all indidually equal to 0 when x=0:

intFop(entries(titles, nolist));
eval(%, x=0)

Here is the code



P := -9*F*k*(2*sqrt(2)*(x^2+2)^2*((1/6)*x^2-1)*arctan((1/2)*x*sqrt(2))+Pi*(x^2+2)^2*((1/6)*x^2-1+epsilon*m*Br)*sqrt(2)+(4*(((1/6)*x^2-1)*x^2+5*x^2*(1/9)-14/9))*x*beta)/(16*(x^2+2)^2)+1/((2/3+(1/3)*x^2)*N) = 0;

-(9/16)*F*k*(2*2^(1/2)*(x^2+2)^2*((1/6)*x^2-1)*arctan((1/2)*x*2^(1/2))+Pi*(x^2+2)^2*((1/6)*x^2-1+epsilon*m*Br)*2^(1/2)+4*(((1/6)*x^2-1)*x^2+(5/9)*x^2-14/9)*x*beta)/(x^2+2)^2+1/((2/3+(1/3)*x^2)*N) = 0


titles := Vector[row]([k, epsilon,  Br, beta, m,F, N, result]);

titles := Vector[row](8, {(1) = k, (2) = epsilon, (3) = Br, (4) = beta, (5) = m, (6) = F, (7) = N, (8) = result})


data := table([k=[seq(.1 .. .9, .1)], epsilon=[0.5$9], Br=[0.1$9], beta=[1$9], m=[1.5$9],F=[1.5$9], N=[0.5$9]]);

table( [( m ) = [1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5], ( epsilon ) = [.5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5], ( F ) = [1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5], ( k ) = [.1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9], ( N ) = [.5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5], ( Br ) = [.1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1], ( beta ) = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] ] )


DOE := `<|>`( seq(<data[i]>, i in titles[1..-2]) )

DOE := Matrix(9, 7, {(1, 1) = .1, (1, 2) = .5, (1, 3) = .1, (1, 4) = 1, (1, 5) = 1.5, (1, 6) = 1.5, (1, 7) = .5, (2, 1) = .2, (2, 2) = .5, (2, 3) = .1, (2, 4) = 1, (2, 5) = 1.5, (2, 6) = 1.5, (2, 7) = .5, (3, 1) = .3, (3, 2) = .5, (3, 3) = .1, (3, 4) = 1, (3, 5) = 1.5, (3, 6) = 1.5, (3, 7) = .5, (4, 1) = .4, (4, 2) = .5, (4, 3) = .1, (4, 4) = 1, (4, 5) = 1.5, (4, 6) = 1.5, (4, 7) = .5, (5, 1) = .5, (5, 2) = .5, (5, 3) = .1, (5, 4) = 1, (5, 5) = 1.5, (5, 6) = 1.5, (5, 7) = .5, (6, 1) = .6, (6, 2) = .5, (6, 3) = .1, (6, 4) = 1, (6, 5) = 1.5, (6, 6) = 1.5, (6, 7) = .5, (7, 1) = .7, (7, 2) = .5, (7, 3) = .1, (7, 4) = 1, (7, 5) = 1.5, (7, 6) = 1.5, (7, 7) = .5, (8, 1) = .8, (8, 2) = .5, (8, 3) = .1, (8, 4) = 1, (8, 5) = 1.5, (8, 6) = 1.5, (8, 7) = .5, (9, 1) = .9, (9, 2) = .5, (9, 3) = .1, (9, 4) = 1, (9, 5) = 1.5, (9, 6) = 1.5, (9, 7) = .5})


#DOE := <seq(Vector(9, data[i]), i in titles[1 .. -2])>

Fop := lhs(P):
intFop := unapply(int(Fop, x), [entries(titles, nolist)]);

proc (k, epsilon, Br, beta, m, F, N, result) options operator, arrow; -(1/16)*F*k*2^(1/2)*arctan((1/2)*x*2^(1/2))*x^3+(9/8)*F*k*2^(1/2)*arctan((1/2)*x*2^(1/2))*x+(1/16)*F*k*x^2-(5/4)*F*k*ln((1/2)*x^2+1)-(9/16)*F*k*2^(1/2)*Pi*epsilon*m*Br*x-(1/32)*F*k*2^(1/2)*Pi*x^3-(3/16)*F*k*x^2*beta+(5/4)*F*k*ln((1/2)*x^2+1)*beta+(9/16)*F*k*2^(1/2)*Pi*x+(3/2)*2^(1/2)*arctan((1/2)*x*2^(1/2))/N end proc


V := Vector(9, i -> intFop(entries(DOE[i], nolist))):

NewtonsMethod~(V, x=1)

Vector[column]([[0.], [0.3e-21], [0.2e-21], [0.1e-21], [0.4e-22], [0.1e-22], [0.1e-22], [0.], [0.1e-23]])





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