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These are questions asked by mskalsi

Suppose I have an expression like

Is it possible to reverse the divergence expression using homotopy operator to obtain Psi and Phi?

The above divergence expression is possible since Euler operator of the left side is zero.

I am trying to solve system linear partial differential equations using command "pdsolve". I am surprised to see that the solution given by this command is not satisfying the system, instead, an additional constraint is obtained for an arbitrary function, is there something about "pdsolve" I am missing? 



DepVars := [f(x, y, t, u)]

[f(x, y, t, u)]


Sys := {diff(f(x, y, t, u), u, t)-(diff(f(x, y, t, u), x, y)) = 0, diff(f(x, y, t, u), u, u) = 0, diff(f(x, y, t, u), u, y) = 0, diff(f(x, y, t, u), x, u) = 0, diff(f(x, y, t, u), x, x) = 0, diff(f(x, y, t, u), y, y, y) = 0}

{diff(diff(f(x, y, t, u), t), u)-(diff(diff(f(x, y, t, u), x), y)) = 0, diff(diff(diff(f(x, y, t, u), y), y), y) = 0, diff(diff(f(x, y, t, u), u), u) = 0, diff(diff(f(x, y, t, u), u), x) = 0, diff(diff(f(x, y, t, u), u), y) = 0, diff(diff(f(x, y, t, u), x), x) = 0}



{f(x, y, t, u) = (_F3(t)*y+_F4(t))*x+(_F3(t)+_C1)*u+(1/2)*_F7(t)*y^2+_F8(t)*y+_F9(t)}


f := proc (x, y, t, u) options operator, arrow; (_F3(t)*y+_F4(t))*x+(_F3(t)+_C1)*u+(1/2)*_F7(t)*y^2+_F8(t)*y+_F9(t) end proc

proc (x, y, t, u) options operator, arrow; (_F3(t)*y+_F4(t))*x+(_F3(t)+_C1)*u+(1/2)*_F7(t)*y^2+_F8(t)*y+_F9(t) end proc



{0 = 0, diff(_F3(t), t)-_F3(t) = 0}





Dear All

I have a trignometric function and I plotted it in 2D. It is visible from the graph that the function has Maxima and Minima. My question is, can I located all values




plot(diff(0.12981e-1+0.80285e-1*cos(.9519256799*x)+0.41370e-1*cos(1.903851360*x)+0.35690e-1*cos(2.855777040*x)+0.147e-3*cos(3.807702720*x), x), x = -6.2 .. 6.2)





of "x" corresponding to these Max. and Min. ?

Dear All

I am trying to use differential operator two times in sucession but I am not getting desired differentiation. Please see content below:



DepVars := [u(x, t), v(x, t), phi(x, t), psi(x, t)]; 1; declare(u(x, t), v(x, t), phi(x, t), psi(x, t))

[u(x, t), v(x, t), phi(x, t), psi(x, t)]


u(x, t)*`will now be displayed as`*u


v(x, t)*`will now be displayed as`*v


phi(x, t)*`will now be displayed as`*phi


psi(x, t)*`will now be displayed as`*psi



I := phi(x, t)*(diff(v(x, t), x)+b*(diff(u(x, t), x, x)))+psi(x, t)*(diff(u(x, t), x, x, x)+d*(diff(v(x, t), x, x)))

phi(x, t)*(diff(v(x, t), x)+b*(diff(diff(u(x, t), x), x)))+psi(x, t)*(diff(diff(diff(u(x, t), x), x), x)+d*(diff(diff(v(x, t), x), x)))


ToJet(I, DepVars)

phi*(b*u[x, x]+v[x])+psi*(d*v[x, x]+u[x, x, x])


T[1] := proc (f) options operator, arrow; diff(f, u[x]) end proc; 1; T[2] := proc (f) options operator, arrow; diff(f, u[x, x]) end proc; 1; T[3] := proc (f) options operator, arrow; diff(f, u[x, x, x]) end proc; 1; U[1] := proc (f) options operator, arrow; diff(f, v[x]) end proc; 1; U[2] := proc (f) options operator, arrow; diff(f, v[x, x]) end proc

proc (f) options operator, arrow; diff(f, u[x]) end proc


proc (f) options operator, arrow; diff(f, u[x, x]) end proc


proc (f) options operator, arrow; diff(f, u[x, x, x]) end proc


proc (f) options operator, arrow; diff(f, v[x]) end proc


proc (f) options operator, arrow; diff(f, v[x, x]) end proc


d := proc (f) options operator, arrow; diff(f, x)+u[x]*(diff(f, u))+u[x, x]*(diff(f, u[x]))+u[x, x, x]*(diff(f, u[x, x])) end proc

proc (f) options operator, arrow; diff(f, x)+u[x]*(diff(f, u))+u[x, x]*(diff(f, u[x]))+u[x, x, x]*(diff(f, u[x, x])) end proc





Why this is giving zero result ?

If I change Ito jet notation then I get result non zero result like:

T[2](phi*(b*u[x, x]+v[x])+psi*(d*v[x, x]+u[x, x, x]))



d(T[2](phi*(b*u[x, x]+v[x])+psi*(d*v[x, x]+u[x, x, x])))



I was expecting this to be "phi[x]*b, "but instead I am getting zero result.``



In paper of Nail H. Ibragimov there is operator given at equation 2.10 which he call by name Euler-Lagrange operator. How I can use this operator in Maple to derive adjoint equations ?
I have attached JPEG in which I want to apply this operator to Lagrange identity "I" for adjoint equations.

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