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9 years, 342 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mskalsi

Dear All

As a result of certain computation, Maple produce following result:


How can I force Maple to produce result like:


Similar to this; Maple produce result:


How I can force Maple to produce it like:


As an example; I need to simplify following expression in manner as described above




Dear All

I have started exploring Lie Algebra package in Maple 18 and it wonderful experience for me. But as I am in learning stage so I feel little difficulty to understand even its basic enviroment.

I am trying to fing quotient algebra for Normalizer of certain element W1 in Lie algebra and I don't how to do it. I have expected answer for quotient of Normlizer but don't know to obtain it. Please see following details:



L1 := _DG([["LieAlgebra", Alg1, [6]], [[[1, 3, 1], -1], [[1, 6, 2], -1], [[2, 3, 2], -1], [[2, 4, 1], 1], [[2, 5, 2], 1], [[4, 5, 4], -1], [[4, 6, 3], -1], [[4, 6, 5], -2], [[5, 6, 6], -1]]])

_DG([["LieAlgebra", Alg1, [6]], [[[1, 3, 1], -1], [[1, 6, 2], -1], [[2, 3, 2], -1], [[2, 4, 1], 1], [[2, 5, 2], 1], [[4, 5, 4], -1], [[4, 6, 3], -1], [[4, 6, 5], -2], [[5, 6, 6], -1]]])



`Lie algebra: Alg1`

Alg1 > 


"[[[,`| `,e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6],[,-`---`,-`---`,-`---`,-`---`,-`---`,-`---`,-`---`],[e1,`| `,0,0,_DG([["vector",Alg1,[]],[[[1],-1]]]),0,0,_DG([["vector",Alg1,[]],[[[2],-1]]])],[e2,`| `,0,0,_DG([["vector",Alg1,[]],[[[2],-1]]]),_DG([["vector",Alg1,[]],[[[1],1]]]),_DG([["vector",Alg1,[]],[[[2],1]]]),0],[e3,`| `,_DG([["vector",Alg1,[]],[[[1],1]]]),_DG([["vector",Alg1,[]],[[[2],1]]]),0,0,0,0],[e4,`| `,0,_DG([["vector",Alg1,[]],[[[1],-1]]]),0,0,_DG([["vector",Alg1,[]],[[[4],-1]]]),_DG([["vector",Alg1,[]],[[[3],-1],[[5],-2]]])],[e5,`| `,0,_DG([["vector",Alg1,[]],[[[2],-1]]]),0,_DG([["vector",Alg1,[]],[[[4],1]]]),0,_DG([["vector",Alg1,[]],[[[6],-1]]])],[e6,`| `,_DG([["vector",Alg1,[]],[[[2],1]]]),0,0,_DG([["vector",Alg1,[]],[[[3],1],[[5],2]]]),_DG([["vector",Alg1,[]],[[[6],1]]]),0]]]"

Alg1 > 

W1 := [a*e3+e5]

[a*_DG([["vector", Alg1, []], [[[3], 1]]])+_DG([["vector", Alg1, []], [[[5], 1]]])]

Alg1 > 

Nor[W1] := SubalgebraNormalizer(W1)

[_DG([["vector", Alg1, []], [[[5], 1]]]), _DG([["vector", Alg1, []], [[[3], 1]]])]


How one can find Quotient alegebra "(Nor[W1])/(W1)....???`? ``The expected answer is {e3}.`"

I am trying verify 4th 2-dimensional subalgebra results given in research artcle by Coggeshall and Meyer-ter-Vehn (See pp. 3592 in article).

Download [670]


Dear All

I intend to convert Lie algebra into abstract Lie algebra with the aid of Maple packages DifferentialGeometry and Lie algebras. I want to do this for classification of Lie algebra for group inavriant solution, can anybody help me out.....?


Dear All

Please see following:


Suppose we have

M := proc (i) options operator, arrow; i/(i+1) end proc

proc (i) options operator, arrow; i/(i+1) end proc



F := proc (i, j) options operator, arrow; M(i)/(M(i)+j) end proc

proc (i, j) options operator, arrow; M(i)/(M(i)+j) end proc


 For i from 1 to 5 and j from 1 to 5, how one can display all values of F(i,j) using "loop" ???




Dear All

Please see following query:



 For following Algeraic expression




How one can construct a matrix of the following form:


Matrix([[3, 5], [-6, 2]])

Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 3, (1, 2) = 5, (2, 1) = -6, (2, 2) = 2})



Where first row corresponds to U[1]and second row corresponds to U[2] and the entries of matrix are coefficients of a[1]and a[2]





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