
65 Reputation

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4 years, 331 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by paulmcquad

@acer Your procedure works perfectly. Thanks for your help.

I Found the Symbol. Its called a "Bar Over"

It's in the "Accents Palette > Bar Over"

I solved it myself. I didn't put in the right information.

plot(cos(t), t = -2*Pi .. 2*Pi)

plot(sin(t), t = 0 .. 4*Pi)

plot(cos(t), t = -2*Pi .. 2*Pi)



plot(sin(t), t = 0 .. 4*Pi)






Thanks for the info.

Got it working.

@Kitonum I see. I guess a like things to work out of the box. Not many newbies know to text based way.

@Carl Love Thanks for the info.

Example 7: Equations of Perpendicular Lines


``y = -(3/2)*x+2


2*x-3*y = 5; "_noterminate"

2, -1; "_noterminate"and m = 2/3; "_noterminate"

y = -5/3+(2/3)*x







@Kitonum Thanks you made it look easy.

@acer I think you mean.

s1 := 1480.0;

Other than that thanks a million.

Thanks that worked. You're the best.

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