
173 Reputation

2 Badges

15 years, 10 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by pirolafire


I have defined an expression f. This expression f, when integrated from 18 to b, is equal to 20. My goal is to find this b value. Since the integral is very hard to solve symbolically. This is what I did:


ApproximateInt(f, t = 18 .. b, method = simpson);

by trying some random numbers v, I have found the approximate value of b.



I have about 30 equations, let's call them Si

I want to plot them. Each Si is defined for some x between xi and xi+1

In other words, i want to plot:

S0  for x0 < x < x1

S1  for x1 < x < x2

S2  for x2 < x < x3

S for x3 < x < x4

... all the way to i=29

<p>I am trying to assign equations:</p>
<p><img src="http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/9821/assign.jpg" alt="" /></p>
<p>But i get the invalid arguments error. What is the problem?</p>
<p>Thank you</p>


I have a matrix, let's call it A. I want to define a new matrix by taking every n-th row in the A matrix. How do i do that?

For example,

A= | 2 3 5 |
     | 9 2 1 |
     | 5 1 2 |
     | 1 8 9 |


the B, if n=2, is equal to

| 2 3 5 |
| 5 1 2 |

Hello, I have an equation with 200 variables and I want to assign them to a 1 column by 200 rows matrix. My variables are named ΔXi where i goes from 0 to 100. My Matrix is named Matrix.

I have tried something like that:

ΔXi := Matrix(i) but I get "Error, unsupported type of index, i"

Any ideas?

Thank you

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