
5 Reputation

2 Badges

13 years, 110 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by raffamaiden

Hi. I have a function defined like this: 


myfun := proc(a11 ......)

f := a11 * x^2 + 2*a12*x*y + a22*y^2 + 2*a13*x + 2*a23*y + a33;

 end proc; 


When i call this function from my worksheet, the "f" polynomial is printed unformatted. For example the output in my worksheet is




I have Maple 15. I am trying to calculate the limit of this function




for x tend to +infinity. As you can get it with a rapid manual calculus, this limit is 1/6. But Maple returns undefined for this very simple limit. Why? How can i get Maple to calculate limits correctly? Derive 6 return the correct answer 


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